Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 08/10/2014
College College Social Sciences
School School of Education
Department Education & Social Justice
Partner College and School Soc Policy, Sociology & Crimin
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. Education and Sociology Full-time
Programme Code 9908
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The BA (Hons) Education and Sociology provides students with the opportunity to study Education and Sociology in equal proportions to Honours degree level (60 credits from each subject at each level). Students will combine the study of key issues facing contemporary societies, including globalization, the changing nature of work and the family, gender roles and multiculturalism, with the study of educational practices, processes and applications in a range of contexts and settings.

In the second year of study, students will complete a placement module, which includes a two week vocational placement.

Joint honours graduates will display a broad knowledge over two disciplines and be able to demonstrate intellectual versatility and organisational flexibility. The Programme will allow students to develop a range of skills and gain practical experience, which will enable successful graduates of the Joint Honours Education and Sociology to pursue either sociological or educational study at a higher level or to secure employment as sociologists or educationalists. Reasoning, communication and organisational skills acquired from this programme, and practiced in the context of two disciplines, are readily transferable to a large number of professions and other careers.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Sociology as a discipline that is both theoretically informed and evidence based
The major sociological traditions and perspectives and critical responses to them
The analytical issues of the relationship between individuals, groups and institutions and the processes that underpin stability and change
The substantive issues of the origins and consequences of social diversity, divisions and inequalities, especially as they relate to ethnicity, gender and class
The nature and appropriate use of research strategies and methods in sociological research
Cutting-edge debates in contemporary Sociology
The contribution of psychology, sociology, history and philosophy as foundation disciplines within the field of education, and their utility for understanding local, national and international education
Theories and research than underpin our ideas of human learning and development, and how these are contextualised social and culturally, and in different educational settings.
The production of educational identities, practices and outcomes in social, cultural and economic contexts, and how policy and politics shape educational institutions and address inequalities.
The historical emergence of educational systems and institutional forms, the purposes of education, ideas of what it means to be educated, and the role of education in conditioning character and behaviour and consolidating social groups.
The core concepts that define education and fundamental educational questions about the nature of learning, knowledge, and the relation of education to freedom, equality, prosperity, and personal fulfilment.
The construction of professional identities and the relation of values and principles to professional practices in educational settings.
Lectures, seminars, workshop and on-line learning and placement practices.
Formal examinations and assessed coursework taking a variety of formats and learning journals.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to source, summarise, and critically engage with the existing theoretical and empirical material on a subject and deploy this, where appropriate, in constructing arguments
The ability to formulate research questions, select appropriate research tools, recognise ethical issues and collect and interpret sociological data
The ability to work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and making use, as appropriate, of a problem solving approach
The ability to communicate effectively in a range of settings (seminar discussion, ICT, presentations and in written work) using strategies and genres appropriate to each
Key skills of time and resource management and of communication and reflective practice in a manner consistent with both undergraduate study, and in employment contexts that involve children
The ability to collaborate and plan as part of a team, to carry out roles allocated by the team, and to keep to agreed responsibilities.
To work effectively as part of a learning community to develop and express personal intellectual positions and values
The ability to think critically in all areas of undergraduate study from research, planning, reading and writing, to discussion, debate and problem solving, and to apply these skills to contemporary debates in education.
Lectures, seminars, workshops, personal tutorials, skills profiling, learning diaries and on-line learning.
Formal examinations, assessed coursework, group work, seminar presentations, electronic discussions and placement practice.