Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 14/10/2021
College College Eng and Physical Sci
School Chemistry
Department Chemistry
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title M.Sci. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery Full-time
Programme Code 471G
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations Royal Society of Chemistry
Aims of the Programme The Programme develops chemical, intellectual and transferable skills, preparing students for employment in the pharmaceutical, chemical and related fields, with the option of acquiring enhanced pharmaceutical and chemical skills at Level 4 (Masters Level) relevant to full professional status - enabling qualification for Chartered Chemist (CChem) status (RSC). In more detail, the programme aims to: provide a sound knowledge base in the field of chemistry, medicinal chemistry and drug discovery and to develop wider transferable and transformation skills; provide a rational, structured and coherent programme of study that is relevant to the needs of employers, particularly employers in the pharmaceutical sector; facilitate the professional development of the student and provide training in appropriate skills (e.g. chemical safety); develop a logical and enquiring attitude, with appropriate critical analysis and scientific discipline to encourage lifelong learning; provide experience of originality in the application of knowledge and understanding of how research techniques are used to create and interpret knowledge in chemistry, medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; develop an enthusiasm for chemistry, medicinal chemistry and drug discovery and expose students to the frontiers of the disciplines.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) Structure, reactivity and bonding, determination of structure, fundamental maths and data analysis.

2) Chemistry of the elements, s-, p-, and d- block elements, transition metal chemistry, solid-state chemistry, organometallic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, f- block elements.

3) Synthesis and mechanism in organic chemistry, conformational analysis and alicyclic chemistry, FMO methods and stereoelectronic effects, synthesis of medicinally active heterocycles, synthetic strategy and planning, functional group transformations.

4) Thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum mechanics and intramolecular forces, properties of solutions, electrolyte solutions and electrochemistry, optical spectroscopy, electronic terms and states, electronic spectroscopy and level populations, surface science and heterogeneous catalysis, photochemistry and kinetics, properties of solids and their surfaces.

5) Drug targets, fundamental pharmacology, physicochemical properties of drugs, the drug discovery and development process, process chemistry, drug development cases studies.

6) Depending on option choice, contemporary areas of chemistry including: analytical chemistry, data analysis, biomineralisation and biomimetic materials chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, molecular solids.

7) Depending on module choice: advanced materials chemistry, advanced supramolecular chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, single-molecule spectroscopy, clusters, surfaces and interfaces, soft matter.

8) Advanced Techniques, Research Methodology, and Major Research Project.
The acquisition of knowledge is achieved mainly through lectures, laboratory classes (which supplement and complement the core chemistry material) and directed student-centred learning.

Student-centred learning is employed where there is appropriate source material, and will vary during the levels of the programme.

Support of lecture-based learning is provided by workshops and tutorials, and through set work (e.g. problem sheets, worksheets etc).
Assessment methods as specified in each module guide.

All learning outcomes in a module are assessed, and the mode of assessment specified for each outcome.

In general, each module is assessed by a combination of continuous assessment during the year (e.g. workshop and laboratory based assessment) and written unseen examinations, normally at the end of each level.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) Intellectual skills – on completion of the programme students will be able to: integrate theoretical concepts and practice; synthesise information and data from a variety of sources; put forward and test hypotheses; apply chemical principles to the solution of complex chemical problems; analyse, evaluate and interpret the results of controlled experiments; demonstrate the skills necessary to plan, conduct and report a substantial research project; evaluate critically current research in chemistry and evaluate methodologies.

2) Subject-specific skills (practical) – on completion of the programme students will be able to: conduct laboratory and project work in a safe and effective manner; propose sensible schemes for chemical synthesis and design appropriate experimental protocols; conduct experimental work to the necessary professional standards of accuracy and precision; investigate complex chemical issues in a systematic manner and make judgments in the absence of complete data; demonstrate the ability to act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level in chemistry; continue to advance their knowledge and understanding of chemistry and to develop new skills.

3) Key/Transferable Skills – on completion of the programme students will be able to: communicate effectively by written and verbal means; solve numerical problems in a chemical context; use information technology to obtain information, analyze data and to present reports; design methods for the solution of problems; demonstrate an open-minded and critical attitude to the evaluation of information; demonstrate enquiring and scientific attitudes to problems; demonstrate the ability to make decisions in complex chemical situations; undertake group work in an effective manner; demonstrate the capacity for the independent learning required for continuing professional development in chemistry.
Intellectual skills are developed through the integration of theoretical material and laboratory work, and assignments. Open-ended project work is designed to allow students to demonstrate achievement of the overall learning outcomes in a synoptic fashion.

Coordinated laboratory and laboratory-related work integrated into each appropriate module. The focus is on the acquisition of the key chemical skills relevant to the study of chemistry at each level. The final year research project provides experience in the planning and implementation of experimental work.

Formal instruction will be provided in key communication skills and information technology at the appropriate points during the programme. These will be reinforced in the project element at the final level of the programme. The programme also includes elements on team working centred around problem-based learning activities.
Through a combination of written unseen examinations and continuous assessments, as well as the written report associated with the substantial final-year research project.

A variety of continuous assessments, including inspection of laboratory record-books, certification of skills, formal written reports, assessment of accuracy of work, and, where appropriate, presentations. Written report, oral presentation and oral defence of final year research project.

A number of elements of continuous assessment at each level will assess key skills. In addition, assessment of the major research project is through written formal reports (dissertation), informal reports, formal presentations and oral defence, which will assess a number of key transferable skills.