Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2024/25 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.Sc. Human Neuroscience Full-time

Year: 2
2024/25 Session

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LI Current Research in Neuroscience 1 03 28755 10 Semester 1
LI Data Science for Brain and Behaviour 1 03 39530 20 Semester 1
LI Neural Basis of Vision and Action 03 30008 20 Semester 2
LI Neuroscience Methods 1 03 28757 10 Semester 1
LI Research Methods D 03 24686 20 Semester 2

Choose 40 credits from the following modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
Control Of Human Movement 03 28749 20 Semester 1
LI Animal Biology: Principles and Mechanisms 03 28822 20 Semester 2
LI Cell and Developmental Biology 03 24985 20 Semester 2
LI Current Research in Neuroscience 2 03 28756 10 Semester 2
LI Evolution of Humans and Other Animals 03 28780 20 Semester 1
LI Genetics II 03 13160 20 Semester 2
LI Human Structure and Function 03 26999 20 Semester 2
LI Neural Basis of Vision and Action 03 30008 20 Semester 2
LI Neuroscience, Endocrinology and Reproduction 02 30823 20 Semester 1
LI Philosophy of Mental Health 02 33661 20 Semester 1

Choose 40 credits from the following modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LI Science and Nature 09 30886 20 Semester 1
LI Social and Cognitive Development 03 30010 20 Semester 2