Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2023/24 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering Full-time

Year: 1
2023/24 Session

Students must take a minimum of 60 credits in English and 60 credits in one modern foreign language. JH students take all compulsory core language modules in their relevant language as described below, plus further credits appropriate to their level (beginners or advanced). Language combinations Languages that can be combined with English Literature pathway: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Investigating Language A 09 33887 10 Semester 1
LC Investigating Language B 09 33888 10 Semester 2
LC Fundamentals of Language: Grammar and Discourse 09 31570 20 Semester 2
LC Fundamentals of Language: Sounds and Words 09 31569 20 Semester 1

The following core language modules - 40 credits for advanced and 40 credits for beginners are compulsory at Stage I. Core Language Modules: English as a Modern Foreign Language (EMFL) The EMFL pathway is restricted to non-native speakers of English. Students on the EMFL pathway may not follow modules in their native language

French (choose either Beginners or Advanced Modules):

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC French Core I - Advanced: French Cultures and Identities 09 29742 20 Semester 1
LC French Core I - Beginners: French Cultures and Identities 09 29753 20 Semester 1
LC French Core II - Advanced: French Cultures and Identities 09 29743 20 Semester 2
LC French Core II - Beginners: French Cultures and Identities 09 29754 20 Semester 2

Italian (choose either Beginners or Advanced modules):

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Italian Core I - Advanced: Icons of Italy 09 29746 20 Semester 1
LC Italian Core I - Beginners: Icons of Italy 09 29757 20 Semester 1
LC Italian Core II - Advanced: Icons of Italy 09 29747 20 Semester 2
LC Italian Core II - Beginners: Icons of Italy 09 29758 20 Semester 2

Russian (choose either Beginners or Advanced modules):

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Russian Core I - Advanced: Beyond the Basics. Russian Language in Context 09 29748 20 Semester 1
LC Russian Core I - Beginners: Cracking the Code: Russian Language, Russian Life 09 29761 20 Semester 1
LC Russian Core II - Advanced: Beyond the Basics. Russian Language in Context 09 29749 20 Semester 2
LC Russian Core II - Beginners: Cracking the Code: Russian Language, Russian Life 09 29762 20 Semester 2

Spanish (choose either Beginners or Advanced modules):

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Spanish Core I - Advanced: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 29750 20 Semester 1
LC Spanish Core I - Beginners: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 29763 20 Semester 1
LC Spanish Core II - Advanced: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 29751 20 Semester 2
LC Spanish Core II - Beginners: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 29764 20 Semester 2

Portuguese (Students must choose both Beginner modules):

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Portuguese Core I - Beginners: The expansion of Portuguese as a World-Language 09 31624 20 Semester 1
LC Portuguese Core II - Beginners: Modernities in Portuguese 09 31625 20 Semester 2

Students must take one 20 credit optional module for their chosen language (includes departmental options). Please refer to the module choice information provided by Modern Languages. 3: OPTION Optional modules offered by the Department of Modern Languages. The following is an indicative list:

French Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Translation in Practice I (Adv French) 09 31442 10 Semester 1
LC Translation in Practice II (Adv French) 09 31443 10 Semester 2

Italian Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Translation in Practice I (Adv Italian) 09 31446 10 Semester 1
LC Translation in Practice II (Adv Italian) 09 31447 10 Semester 2

Spanish Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Translation in Practice I (Adv Spanish) 09 31448 10 Semester 1
LC Translation in Practice II (Adv Spanish) 09 31449 10 Semester 2

Catalan Optional Modules [available to all students]:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Beginners Catalan Language A 09 33694 10 Semester 1
LC Beginners Catalan Language B 09 33696 10 Semester 2
LC Catalan Culture Project A 09 33734 10 Semester 1
LC Catalan Culture Project B 09 33735 10 Semester 2

Portuguese Optional Modules [available to all students]:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Roots of Inequality: Race, Gender and the Legacies of Colonialism in the Global North 09 37019 10 Semester 2
LC Roots of Inequality: Race, Gender and the Legacies of Colonialism in the Global South 09 37018 10 Semester 1

Departmental Optional Modules [available to all students]:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Introduction to Linguistics A: Science of Language 09 37020 10 Semester 1
LC Introduction to Linguistics B: language change and variation 09 37021 10 Semester 2
LC Landmarks in European Literature A 09 35103 10 Semester 1
LC Landmarks in European Literature B 09 35104 10 Semester 2