Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Form, Function and Dysfunction
SchoolSchool of Infec, Inflam, Immun
Department Biomedical Sciences
Module Code 01 39064
Module Lead Robert Stephenson
Level Masters Level
Credits 30
Semester Semester 1
Co-requisites LM Embryological and Developmental Basis of Disease - (01 39060)
LM Anatomy in the Clinical Environment - (01 39059)
LM Project - (01 39062)
Restrictions All students must be studying medicine and have successfully completed at least 3 years of education. Students will be interviewed for the intercalation MSci in Clinical Anatomy.
Contact Hours Lecture-2 hours
Seminar-14 hours
Tutorial-42 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-98 hours
Guided independent study-144 hours
Total: 300 hours
Description This module provides the opportunity for advanced learning of three-dimensional anatomy and the investigation of consequences of a variety of pathologies on anatomically and clinically relevant areas. Each student will work with a maximum of three others to dissect and examine a cadaver but is expected to look at similar features on others. Each cadaver on the programme will have a pathology (as informed by the cause of death certificate). Through the process of dissection and tutorials, students will discover and learn the breadth of anatomical normality, variation, and pathology. Through independent reading of the scientific literature they will identify anatomical variations, anomalies and pathologies and discuss the reasons for their development. Journal club type reading of peer-reviewed research papers in a variety of clinical fields will reinforce and deepen their knowledge of form function and dysfunction.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the systems and regions of the body and use these to interpret clinical findings, radiological images and clinical management.
  • Provide a detailed description of an individual cadaver identifying and differentiating between variations falling within normal ranges and abnormalities that are the result or cause of pathology.
  • Discuss the normal, variant and pathological anatomy of the body, using both regional and systems-based approaches, demonstrating a level of understanding that will support clinical decision making.
  • Demonstrate an ability to critically appraise peer-reviewed scientific and clinical research articles and have both competence and confidence in preparing and presenting research data.
Assessment 39064-01 : Overall Module Mark : Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

In-course assessment:
Structured oral examination of dissected specimen (60%)
Submitted logbook of dissection (10%)

Written examination:
Two hour written exam (journal criticism) (30%)


One final attempt for each failed element following individualised support, feedback and guidance.

Supplementary sit mark to be capped at 50%
Reading List