Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 16/11/2022
College College Arts and Law
School Phil, Theology and Religion
Department Philosophy
Partner College and School Computer Science
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. Philosophy and Sociology with Year in Computer Science Full-time
Programme Code 765E
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme Philosophy:
The programme aims to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of central areas of philosophy, its methods and history. It aims to engage their interest in and enthusiasm for issues of philosophy and to foster within them the skills distinctive of good philosophy: in particular, the abilities:
  • to analyse abstract claims and arguments accurately,
  • to present their own views verbally and in writing, clearly and with supporting argument,
  • to collaborate with others in the course of such analyses and presentations
The programmes aim to provide students with the opportunity to engage with the range of expertise and internationally recognized research undertaken in the Dept. of Philosophy. Through these various aims and provisions, the programmes will enrich the lives of students who take them, and will provide society with the resource of graduates who can think and express their thoughts in a clear and logical manner. Graduates equipped with these transferable skills as well as with the knowledge of the subject’s contents will be employed in a wide range of occupations.

The degree offers a comprehensive, rigorous introduction to Sociology as a theoretically informed and evidence based discipline. The programme has a strong theoretical core at each level which critically examines the major sociological traditions and perspectives as tools for understanding modern societies. This is paralleled by training in the analysis of empirical sociological research, the design of research programmes and the methods for collecting, interpreting and presenting sociological data. Students are able to apply their core theoretical and empirical training in the critical and comparative analysis of major substantive sociological topics. These include patterns of social divisions such as those of gender, ethnicity and social class. Students approach these issues by pursuing the distinctively sociological questions of the relationships between individuals, groups, institutions and wider social processes; the dynamics of stability and change and the distribution of power. Students can choose to complete their degree by designing and undertaking their own substantial piece of sociological research. This brings together their theoretical, methodological and substantive skills and knowledge and is an opportunity to demonstrate the achievement of a skilled, critical and reflexive sociological imagination.

For Year Abroad programme only:
In addition to the aims of the 3-year Joint programme, the 4-year programme has aims to:
  • To give students the opportunity to live in the society and culture of a foreign country;
  • To provide the opportunity to learn a foreign language/improve existing proficiency (where applicable);
  • To acquire the ability to study authors of interest in their original language (where applicable);
  • To provide the opportunity to experience academic life in general, and philosophy in particular, as it is practised in another country;
  • To enhance students' organisation and communication skills;
  • To enhance students' employability through proven ability to succeed in a foreign setting;
  • To provide an extra opportunity for students to study in more depth topics of particular interest to them.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The texts, theories and arguments of some of the major analytical philosophers, both past and present.

Some central theories and arguments in some of the core areas of analytical philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and moral and political philosophy.

Some theories and arguments that are the subject of current research in contemporary analytical philosophy.

A range of techniques of philosophical reasoning, and how those techniques are brought to bear on philosophical theories and problems.

Basic logical notation and proof procedures, and of the most important ways in which those techniques inform analytic philosophy in general.

The (probably distinctive) philosophical theories and positions taught at the university visited during the year abroad (only applicable to DipHE and BA).

The character of Sociology as a discipline that is both theoretically informed and evidence based.

The major sociological traditions and perspectives and critical responses to them.

The method of critical comparative analysis.

The analytical issues of the relationship between individuals, groups and institutions and the processes that underpin stability and change.

The substantive issues of the origins and consequences of social diversity, divisions and inequalities, especially as they relate to ethnicity, gender and class.

The nature and appropriate use of research strategies and methods in sociological research.

Some cutting-edge debates in contemporary Sociology.
Lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, presentations, student-led discussion groups, group project work.

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, presentations, student-led discussion groups, group project work.
Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work, and (year abroad only) assessed as required by host institution.

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3).
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
To interpret philosophical writing from a variety of ages and traditions.

To analyse positions and arguments.

To present cogent arguments in defence of their views, verbally and in writing.

To understand and use a range of specialised philosophical terminology.

To display independent understanding of philosophical views and arguments, and to work independently - including devising and researching pieces of philosophical writing of various lengths – and in groups .

To communicate, and organise their studies, effectively.

The capacity to be competent and effective users of IT resources for research purposes, word processing. Students will also be able to use IT communication tools effectively.

The ability to work individually and in groups.

The ability to work flexibly and creatively, demonstrating independence and reflexivity.

The ability to source, summarise, and critically engage with the existing theoretical and empirical material on a subject and deploy this, where appropriate, in constructing arguments.

The ability to formulate research questions, select appropriate research tools, recognise ethical issues and collect and interpret sociological data.

The ability to work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and making use, as appropriate, of a problem solving approach.

Presentation skills and audience awareness.

The ability to explore cutting-edge sociological debates, drawing upon the range of personal skills developed.

Year Abroad:
To achieve an enhanced cultural awareness through direct interactions with society and institutions in another country. To develop a range of marketable skills including problem solving, communication, patience and perseverance, determination, self-motivation, analytical and study skills through direct interactions with society and institutions in another country.
Lectures, tutorials, seminars based upon critical analysis and debate, workshop discussions (including, at Stage 1 and 2, sessions with explicitly methodological contents and sessions involving individual and group presentations), independent study, close reading of texts, the design and construction of essays and other assessment

Seminars based upon critical analysis and debate, workshops, demonstrations, skills training sessions, dissertation workshops, practical training exercises, student-led discussion groups.
Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Exams, essays, coursework exercises, project work (and as part of several modules, group presentations).

Word-processed assessments; evidence of appropriate use of web resources.

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, written coursework, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Essays, unseen examinations, tailored tasks for the assessment of methods, student-led dissertation project (at Stage 3)

Year Abroad
Assessed as required by host institution