Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.A. English Language with Literature with Year in Computer Science Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

Students must choose one of the following independent study modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Dissertation in English Literature 09 27043 40 Full Term
LH Joint Honours Link Dissertation 09 27505 40 Full Term
LH Language Dissertation 09 26703 40 Full Term

Students may choose one of the following module combinations Optional modules: Choice 1: 60 credits in English Language and 60 credits in English Literature Option A: Language Dissertation, one English Language module, three English Literature modules Option B: English Literature Dissertation, one English Literature module, three English Language modules Option C: Link Dissertation, two English Literature modules, two English Language modules Optional modules: Choice 2: 80 credits in English Literature and 40 credits in English Literature Option D: English Literature Dissertation, two English Literature modules, two English Language modules Optional modules: Choice 3: 80 credits in English Language and 40 credits in English Literature Option E: Language Dissertation, two English Language modules, two English Literature modules Optional modules: Students must take two modules in each semester Optional modules: It is only possible to take one English Literature module from any particular block of modules Optional modules: Students must complete a minimum of 40 credits in both English Language and English Literature Optional modules: Students must take at least one option in the discipline in which they are completing independent study.

English Language:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH A Common Language? English in the U.K. and the U.S.A. (and beyond) 09 31802 20 Semester 2
LH Animal Communication and Language Evolution 09 32240 20 Semester 2
LH Authorship Analysis 09 30672 20 Semester 2
LH Business Discourse and Communication 09 31805 20 Semester 2
LH Clinical Linguistics 09 28696 20 Semester 1
LH Exploring Linguistic Diversity 09 28649 20 Semester 1
LH Language Change 09 29697 20 Semester 2
LH Narratives across Media 09 36984 20 Semester 1

Block A

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Islamophobia and the Novel 09 30677 20 Semester 2
LH Last Year's Novels 09 26673 20 Semester 1
LH Multiple Voices: New York City Poetics, 1960-1985 09 30635 20 Semester 1
LH Paradise Lost: Text and context 09 21681 20 Semester 1
LH Shakespeare's Tragedies 09 26835 20 Semester 1

Block B:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Bedtime Stories: Reading Children’s Picture Books 09 37165 20 Semester 2
LH Bringing Out the Bodies: Technology, Transhumans and Skin 09 27598 20 Semester 2
LH Making Global Literatures in Britain 09 30727 20 Semester 2
LH Remembering World War One 09 26674 20 Semester 1
LH The Art of Translation 09 32243 20 Semester 1
LH The Work of Giants: Old English Tales and their Afterlives in Fiction and Film 09 37091 20 Semester 2

Block C:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Decoding Pop Culture 09 37089 20 Semester 2
LH Elizabeth I and her Poets 09 30616 20 Semester 2
LH From Plato to the Postmodern: Theories of Literature and Art 09 29643 20 Semester 1
LH Hidden Romanticism 09 36982 20 Semester 1
LH Law and Literature 09 24813 20 Semester 2
LH Single Author: Virginia Woolf 09 37163 20 Semester 2

Block D:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH After the Deluge: Writing and Recovery after the First World War 09 30646 20 Semester 2
LH Fantasy and fandom: writing back to the medieval in modern fantasy 09 22837 20 Semester 2
LH Modern American Poetry 09 29542 20 Semester 2
LH Muslim Women's Popular Fiction 09 31944 20 Semester 2
LH Senses of the Past: Historical Fiction in the Long Nineteenth Century 09 28666 20 Semester 1

Students may also apply to undertake a placement module in their final year. If successful, they will take this module in place of one of their semester 1 options. The placement can be taken either during the summer vacation (part-time or full-time) or during semester 1 (part-time only). The placement must be completed prior to the Christmas vacation.

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Professional Skills 09 36876 20 Semester 1
LH Professional Skills - Freelance 09 37013 20 Semester 1

Students who have taken LI 37673 Sustainable Development: Climate, Culture, Society and Policy cannot take the LH version of this module.

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Sustainable Development: Climate, Culture, Society and Policy 09 38933 20 Semester 1