Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 03/07/2023
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Health Sciences
Department Applied Health Sciences
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title Intercalated MSci Public and Global Health Sciences Full-time
Programme Code 941H
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 1 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme This programme provides the opportunity for students to acquire specialist training and undertake a significant piece of public health, global health or population science research. A key feature of this programme is the opportunity to spend over 4 months of the year completing research in an area which interests the student.

On completion of the programme students should have knowledge and understanding of:
  • Commonly used research methods and data analysis techniques within health and medicine
  • How research methods are applied to inform the health of the population (epidemiology) and the management of public health issues at local, national and global levels
  • An understanding of the practicalities of conducting research in a range of settings
  • The legal and ethical frameworks of medical research

In addition to enhancing knowledge and understanding we believe our teaching methods, with emphasis on feedback and easy access to support, strongly promote development of the following skills and attributes:
  • The ability to critically read and appraise research evidence
  • The ability to produce scientifically valid research
  • The ability to manage a research project from conception to completion with enhanced project management skills which will be transferable to other aspects of education and training
  • The ability to effectively communicate ideas or scientific findings through a range of commonly used presentation mechanisms including oral presentation, poster presentation, production of a journal article and essay writing.
  • Enhanced independent learning skills
  • Greater awareness of team working and skills to support this in clinical and academic settings
  • Improved ability to think logically and broadly about a range of problems, drawing on a variety of disciplines to support arguments
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) Key concepts and principles fundamental to the practice of public health
2) A broad range of research methods
3) Critical appraisal skills
4) Protocol development
5) Ethical and practical issues common in population sciences applied health research
6) Practical research skills such as conducting interviews, designing questionnaires and managing data
7) Methods commonly used in medical statistics and the appropriateness of different statistical tests
8) Dissemination of research finding – writing a paper / dissertation, oral presentation and poster presentation skills
1) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, collection and analysis of primary/secondary research data

2) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, collection and analysis of primary/secondary research data

3) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, collection and analysis of primary/secondary research data

4) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, collection and analysis of primary/secondary research data

5) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials including participation in an internal approvals process which mimics current NHS ethics processes

6) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials

7) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials

8) Lectures, group seminars/tutorials
Written assignments (including dissertation), and oral presentations
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) Production of a scientifically valid and practically manageable research proposal, and ability to competently carry out, analyse and report the piece of research
2) Effective scientific communication (written and verbal)
3) Self-directed learning
4) Ability to seek appropriate guidance when necessary
5) The ability to think logically and broadly about a range of problems using a variety of disciplines, especially types of knowledge and modes of enquiry fundamental to population health
1) Lectures, group seminars, tutorials, individual supervision

2) Seminars, tutorials, student-led oral presentations, student led group discussions

3) Independent study

4) Tutorials, research clinics, supervision

5) Lectures, seminars, tutorials, student-led group discussion

1) Presentation of research proposal and written project report

2) Presentation of research proposal and written project report

3) Written assignments (including dissertation), oral presentations

4) Written assignments (including dissertation), oral presentations

5) Written assignments (including dissertation), oral presentations