Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

M.Sci. Geography Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

Choose List A or List B. All modules within the list chosen must be taken.

List A

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Advanced Project 03 23147 60 Full Term
LM Field, Research & Communication Skills 03 38220 20 Semester 1

List B

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Field, Research & Communication Skills 03 38220 20 Semester 1
LM Project (60 credits) 03 23157 60 Full Term
LM Theoretical Themes for Geographers 03 36281 20 Semester 1

If taking the modules in LIST A, please take 40 credits from the following optional modules

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Advances in Water Science and River Management 03 33978 20 Semester 2
LM Atmospheric Observations 03 24481 10 Semester 2
LM Environmental analysis and modelling 03 25556 20 Semester 2
LM Meteorological Applications and Services 03 24479 10 Semester 2

If you are taking the modules from LIST B, students must take 20 credits from the following optional modulles:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Creative Economies and Creative Cities 03 30053 20 Semester 2
LM Governance of Environmental and Energy Transitions 03 40482 20 Semester 1
LM Professional Placement 03 36419 20 Semester 2
LM The City & Modernity 03 23143 20 Semester 2
LM Urban Environments in the Global South 03 37771 20 Semester 1
LM Urbanity and wellbeing 03 38668 20 Semester 2