Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2025/26 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

M.Eng. Computer Science/Software Engineering with an Industrial Year Full-time

Year: 3
2025/26 Session

In order to proceed to Year 3 (the industrial year), students must:
- Not have any modules to repeat during the year. If they have resit examinations, they must arrange for time off to take these.
- Have found a company willing to provide a placement which meets the School's requirements, which include providing an Industrial Tutor. The placement must involve a component of skills training (approximately 40%) and technical project work (approximately 60%). The skills training can include formal taught and/or self study courses and apprenticeship style learning "on the job". The training and project work must be of a technical nature relevant to the degree programme. The project work will most typically involve programming but other types of project work are acceptable.

Students who do not meet the academic requirements or cannot find a suitable industrial placement will transfer to the degree programme without the Year in Industry component.

A student who fails the Industrial Studies module will be permitted to transfer to the degree programme without the Year in Industry component.

Module Title Code Credits Semester
Computer Science Industrial Placement 06 39348 120 Full Term