Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
B.A. Theology and Religion Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
3 Year(s)
This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme
The programme aims:
To provide students with a framework to think critically about theology and religion via a combination of core and optional modules. No prior knowledge of Theology is required for admission to the programme. Stage I is therefore designed to offer students a broad foundation for the academic study of Theology, and of religion more generally. At Stage II and III the programme seeks to provide a flexible framework by offering a range of diverse options whereby students can develop their own interests, whether this be, for example, in religion and popular culture, issues of race, gender and sexuality in religious and theological perspective, scriptural languages and study of sacred texts, further Sikh, Jewish, or Islamic studies, philosophical and modern theology, or interfaith studies. A central element of Stage III is the requirement that students engage in an extended piece of individual research in a particular area of Theology and Religion (the dissertation).
To enable students to deepen their critical understanding of both classical and contemporary expressions of Christianity and Islamic, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh identity, with a focus on lived experience and the encounter between different faiths. Some modules focus on religious experience and identity in the UK and continental Europe. Others feature a global dimension.
To provide opportunities to develop relevant research skills for a range of theological and study of religion disciplines, to debate philosophical issues and explore some of the ways in which religious themes, ideas, symbols, practices and organisations can be understood in the context of contemporary religious and secular cultures.
To provide students with opportunities to engage with the latest thinking in the subject by drawing upon the range of internationally recognized research undertaken within the department.
To provide students with a range of methodological tools that will equip them for the study of the many different facets of theology and religion. Such tools may include skills of translation and exegesis, the ability to apply sociological, anthropological and archaeological methods of enquiry, analytical skills in reading a range of cultural 'texts' whether these be monuments, films, web presentations etc., critical skills in reading and writing history, skills in identifying issues of race, class, gender and sexuality within religious discourse, and so forth.
To promote effective communication in both oral and written form by developing students’ teamwork, presentational, IT, research and analytical skills (particularly in relating theoretical models to practical examples).
To prepare students for further study and lifelong learning in theology and /or religion, and developing their employability by offering practical opportunities for placements in such areas as community and youth work, education, pastoral care, and ministry, and the sectors such as culture and heritage, politics and policy (via the Professional Skills Placement and Placement-based dissertation where students opt for these modules).
For Year Abroad Programme only:
This route offers students the additional educational benefit of a year of study in an approved overseas University. During the year abroad, students continue to develop and consolidate their knowledge and skills. In particular (and depending on where they go) this part of the programme is likely to expose them to different areas of expertise, contexts and approaches that will complement those they encounter in Birmingham, and this exposure should help them to develop a more balanced, multi-faceted appreciation of the subject.
For further information, please contact the school directly.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
A range of approaches to the study of religion which may include historical, cultural-critical, sociological, anthropological and socio-political methods of analysis, exegetical skills, and contemporary hermeneutic approaches
The history, sacred texts, major features and current community manifestations of at least one religious tradition.
Some of the major issues and controversies relating to the study of theology and religion in a range of contexts
Awareness of the varieties of religious expression in the contemporary world (with opportunities to study the British context more specifically)
Lectures, class discussion in seminars and lectures, independent study, reflective discussion, informal presentations.
Examinations, essays, class presentations for certain modules. Dissertation (BA only) contributing element to the LO range.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to construct a critical argument and reflect critically on a range of different kinds of text
The ability to plan and carry out an extended piece of independent research that demonstrates the ability to accumulate, organise, synthesise and critically analyse
a range of primary and secondary sources with awareness of questions of methodology
The ability to present information effectively and to be competent and effective users of IT resources for research purposes, word processing and communication
The ability to organise a personal programme of study in line with university requirements and to schedule, as well as to evaluate critically their own academic performance
The ability to study relevant topics at an international institution and appreciate the differences between study in the UK and overseas (only applicable to the DipHE and BA)
Lectures, small group work and/or seminars, individual tutorials, feedback on formative and summative work, dissertation preparation, individual research supervisions and feedback on drafts, Training sessions in the use of Canvas, electronic databases and the internet, Guidance on effective individual and group presentations. Full participation in the modules registered for at the host university during the Year Abroad.
Research essays, written examinations, literature review, individual or group presentations for certain modules. Dissertation (BA only) contributing element to the LO range. (1)
Research essays, dissertation (BA only) (2)
Research essays, written examinations, literature review, individual or group presentations for certain modules. Dissertation (BA only). (3)
Research essays, written examinations, literature review, reflective essays, individual or group presentations for certain modules. (4)
Research essays, written examinations, individual or group presentations for certain modules. Formative and summative assessments completed as part of the Year Abroad. (5)