Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LH Flight dynamics and control A
SchoolMetallurgy and Materials
Department Metallurgy & Materials
Module Code 04 35313
Module Lead Dr R M Ward
Level Honours Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites LI Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics B - (04 34078) LI Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics A - (04 34069)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-11 hours
Tutorial-22 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-4 hours
Guided independent study-63 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description In this module students will extend the concepts of stability from LI Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics into dynamic applications. Students will explore methods to predict and control the stability of aircraft and study the effects of aircraft design on stability, control and performance.
Learning Outcomes These link to the AHEP v4 learning outcomes:
  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles to the solution of complex problems. Some of the knowledge will be at the forefront of the particular subject of study (C1)
  • Analyse complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles (C2)
  • Use a risk management process to identify, evaluate and mitigate risks (the effects of uncertainty) associated with a particular project or activity (C9/M9)
  • Adopt a holistic and proportionate approach to the mitigation of security risks (C10/M10)
  • Use practical laboratory and workshop skills to investigate complex problems (C12/M12)
  • Select and apply appropriate materials, equipment, engineering technologies and processes, recognising their limitations (C13/M13)
  • Apply a comprehensive knowledge of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles to the solution of complex problems. Much of the knowledge will be at the forefront of the particular subject of study and informed by a critical awareness of new developments and the wider context of engineering (M1)
Assessment 35313-07 : Module Mark : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 2 hour Exam 40%, coursework 60%
Reading List