Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2023/24 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.A. Social Policy Full-time

Year: 1
2023/24 Session

Options are available subject to timetable constraints and must be chosen so that equal credits are taken in each semester.

The following must be taken:

Year: 1
2025/26 Session

Options are available subject to timetable constraints and must be chosen so that equal credits are taken in each semester.

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Crime and Society 08 31461 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Social Divisions 08 30170 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Social Policy 08 26006 20 Semester 1
LC Philosophies of Welfare 20 Semester 1
LC Social Problems and Social Policy: Social Science in Action Part 2 03 39325 10 Semester 2

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Social Problems and Social Policy: Social Science in Action Part I 08 33998 10 Semester 1
LC Social Research I (Part 1) A 08 33994 10 Semester 1
LC Social Research I (Part 2) A 08 33995 10 Semester 2

Students undertaking LC Introduction to Social Policy in Semester 2 will be registered on the following module:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Introduction to Social Policy 08 36762 20 Semester 2