Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 06/07/2021
College College Eng and Physical Sci
School Chemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title M.Eng. Chemical Engineering (with International Study) Full-time
Programme Code 4431
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations Institution of Chemical Engineers
Aims of the Programme The aim of this programme is to produce Chemical and Formulation Engineers who are equipped to play leading roles in a professional capacity in both industry and academia, and who have developed the technical, intellectual and transferable skills needed to underpin their education and continuing professional development. MEng graduates will have a systematic knowledge and understanding of Chemical and formulation Engineering, including developments and problems at the forefront of the discipline. They will be able to evaluate current research critically, and be original in the application of their knowledge, proposing new hypotheses as appropriate. Typical MEng graduates will be able to deal with complex issues, making sound judgments in the absence of complete information, and will be able to communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences. They will be self-motivating and able to act autonomously, and will have decisions in complex and unpredictable situations, and have the independent learning ability for continuing professional development. The high level of numeracy of MEng graduates, and their skills in problem solving, team working, and communication and information technology, equip them for successful careers outside as well as within the process and allied industries.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles underpinning Chemical and Formulation Engineering.
2. A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of mathematical and computational methods and their use for modelling, analysis and design engineering
3. An extensive knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and current practice of Chemical Formulation Engineering, and their limitations, including a critical awarness of current issues and future prospects at the forefront of the discipline.
4. A wide knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the design process and design methodologies.
5. A good understanding of concepts from other Engineering disciplines and subjects outside engineering.
6. A knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and uses of commonly occuring engineering materials and functional products.
7. An extensive knowledge and understanding of management and business practises, and their limitations.
8. A knowledge of ethical and social issues related to engineering and of professional responsibilities.
9. Integrate knowledge of mathematics, science, information technology, a design, the business context and engineering practice to solve a substatial range of Chemical and Formulation Engineering problems, some of a complex nature.
10. Model and analyse complex Chemical and formulation Engineering systems, processes and products using appropriate scientific principles, mathematical methods and computer based learning engineering tools, recognising the limitations of such analysis
11. Innovate in solving novel and challenging problems, and be aware of the limitations of the solutions.
12. Obtain and process (possibly conflicting) information from a wide range of sources
13. Generate an innovative design for systems, processes or a functional product to fulfil new needs.
14. Use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies.
15. Apply engineering techniques to design and problem solving taking account of a wide range of risks and constraints.
16. Take personal responsibilty for acting in a professional manner.
Lectures (1-8)
Tutorials, problem classes and group work (1-8)
Web-based and conventional guided learning (1-8)
Laboratories (1-6)
Computer-based workshops (2-4)
Group design work (4,7,8)
Independent design work (4,7,8)
Lectures (9-16)
Tutorials, problem classes and group work (9,10)
Web-based and conventional guided learning (9-16)
Computer based workshops (9)
Group projects (9-16)
Independent projects (9-16)
Unseen and open book examinations (1-8)
Problem solving exercises (1-8)
Oral presentations (4)
Computer based exercises (2-4)
Written reports (1-8)
Unseen and open book examinations (9-16)
Problem solving exercises (9-12,15)
Oral presentations (11)
Computer based exercises (9-13,15)
Group design reports (9-16)
Independent design reports (9-16)
Individual research report (11,12,14,16)
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
This information is to be supplied Computer based exercises (16,19)
Laboratory reports (16-18,20)
Group design reports (23-28)
Independent design reports (23-28)
Oral presentations (23)
Laboratory and research project reports (24, 26-28)
successful completion of Year abroad (29)
Computer based workshops (17,20)
Laboratories (17-19,22)
Individual research project (17-19,22)
Lectures (28)
Problem classes (28)
Computer based workshops (23,28)
Group design work (23-28)
Independent design work (23-28)
Laboratories (28)
Research project (24,26-28)
Year abroad (29)