Food microbiology: the common microbes associated with food, including methods of sampling and enumeration.
Food poisoning and food borne illness: The methods used to control food borne illness, including laboratory-based learning and assessment of peer reviewed publications.
Food Science and Technology: Application of the principles of food preservation and manufacture, to include their importance in food safety and food standards
Management of Food Safety: Systems used to control food hazards, to include cleaning, pest control, recall procedures, risk assessment systems such as HACCP, and quality assurance systems.
Food Legislation: The main food legislation, the sources of food law, the interpretation and application of food law, evidence gathering and legal procedure as they relate to contraventions of food law
The underpinning science and mathematics required to understand the above.
Food Standards: legisation and application of legal procedure relating to composition, labelling, marketing standards, allergens & additives.
Food Inspection: the identification and examination of common foods, food sources and judge fitness for human consumption.
1: Lectures, laboratory practical, directed reading; 2: Lectures, laboratory practical, directed reading; 3: Lectures, Workbook with self assessment questions, Visits, Laboratory practical; 4: Lectures, Directed reading, Web based exercises, Laboratory practical; 5: Lectures, Directed reading, Visits; 6: Tutorials, Lecture laboratory Practicals, Workbook. 7: Lectures, workbooks and directed reading. 8: Lectures, visits, workbooks and directed reading.
1: Case studies, laboratory reports and examination; 2: Case studies, Laboratory Reports, Essays, Report and Examination; 3: Case studies, Laboratory Reports and Essay; 4: Case studies, Laboratory Reports and Web based Assessment; 5: Case studies, Laboratory Reports and Essay; 6: Case studies, laboratory reports; 7: Case studies; 8: Oral practical examination.
Be able to critically analyse information in the field of food safety, and to be able to communicate the results of this analysis by written and verbal means.
Be able to apply a range of key techniques to a practical situation and be able to identify an appropriate course of action to find a solution.
Be able to effectively present information gained from observation and from reading in report form.
Be able to search out relevant guidance and peer review literature and relate these publications to issues in food safety.
Directed reading and self assessment questions, Lecutres, Tutorials, Case studies.
Essays, Project report & viva, Laboratory reports, case studies.