Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2027/28 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

M.B.Ch.B. (standard entry) Clinical Full-time

Year: 5
2027/28 Session

The award of MBChB requires satisfactory completion of the clinical skills passport non-credit bearing module and CC4 module in same academic year/assessment period.

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
Clinical Procedural Skills Year 5 01 30161 0 Full Term
Ethics and Law in Clinical Practice: A Reflective Case Study 01 26370 10 Semester 1
Immediate Life Support 01 24248 0 Full Term
LH Attendance and engagement – year 5 01 39668 0 Full Term
LH Clinical Core 4 01 36127 110 Full Term
LH Direct Observation of Examination Skills Year 5 02 38055 0  
LH Elective 01 40669 10 Full Term
LH Prescribing Safety Assessment 01 28362 0 Full Term
LH Written Professional Communication 01 36125 10 Semester 1
LH Year 5 Foundation Year Preparation 01 40668 0 Full Term

Students who return from a Leave of Absence or are required to externally re-sit module LH Clinical Core 4 must also take the following refresher module:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Clinical Core Skills Refresher Course - MBChB Year 5/GEC4 01 29848 0 Semester 2

Students who return from a leave of absence, have undertaken intercalation or a PhD and have done the elective in year 4 will be required to undertake the following new module in place of the year 5 elective:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Year 5 Selected Career Experience Transition Catch up 01 40670 0 Full Term