Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 16/11/2023
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Health Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title DA B.Sc. Midwifery Full-time
Programme Code 603I
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
Aims of the Programme This programme will provide apprentices who meet the entry requirements the opportunity to undertake a three-year level H Degree Apprenticeship leading to a BSc (Hons) Midwifery. Successful completion of the apprenticeship will confer eligibility to register as a Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

The programme is aligned to the Apprenticeship Standard: Midwife (2019 NMC standards) (Integrated degree), the Standards Framework for Nursing and Midwifery Education (NMC 2018) and Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes (NMC 2019a); and aims to equip its graduates with the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours necessary to achieve the Standards of proficiency for midwives (NMC 2019b) and to confidently and competently fulfil the roles and duties of a registered midwife, as described in the ICM Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice (ICM, 2019).

The programme will achieve the following aims:

• adopt person and family-centred approaches that uphold the human rights of women and childbearing people and newborn infants

• develop midwives who understand midwifery to be a global profession, who recognise that there are global challenges in women’s reproductive health and wellbeing and who understand the vital contribution of midwives in reducing inequalities, and improving maternal and newborn health outcomes and access to safe and respectful maternity care worldwide

• develop midwives who understand their accountability and responsibility to the communities, and cultures within those communities, that they serve and who demonstrate a commitment to work inclusively and holistically in partnership with women, and childbearing people, their partners, companions and families, to offer personalised, safe and enriching care.

• provide rich opportunities to achieve critical understanding and application of the knowledge, skills and attributes required for contemporary, autonomous midwifery practice, for positive leadership and for effective membership of multi-disciplinary teams across a range of settings, models of care, and contexts.

• develop the graduate attributes necessary to manage uncertainty and ambiguity in practice, to appreciate the limits to knowledge, subtleties, grey areas and multiple perspectives when assessing risk and employing clinical reasoning and judgement to inform decision-making

• offer a constructively aligned, innovative, learner-centred learning experience that is programmatic by design, and which includes meaningful activities to develop research enquiry, enterprising, entrepreneurial and sustainability behaviours, attributes and competencies as part of a transformative experience.

• provide opportunities for apprentices to engage in diverse, supported, practice-based learning activities which allow them to apply theory to practice to develop confidence and competence in midwifery practice.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. the scope and diversity of midwifery practice locally, nationally and globally, and the personal accountability, responsibility and leadership necessary for autonomous practice and advocacy for all women and childbearing people, and their families, in all settings. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

2. the importance and relevance of sustainable development, policy, governance, evidence and best practice in providing maternity care for women and childbearing people, and their newborn infants; and the graduate attributes required to reflect on and apply these to personal practice (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

3. epidemiological principles, research methodologies, quality assessment tools, audit, service improvement and evaluation methodologies to improve the care of women, childbearing people and newborn infants (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

4. effective working in interprofessional, multi-professional and multi-agency teams aimed at ensuring women and childbearing people, and their families, experience seamless and safe care which promotes and protects health and wellbeing, and which reduces inequalities and safeguards from harm. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

5. the support and information women, childbearing people, their partners and families need to prepare for pregnancy, birth, postnatal recovery and adaptation to parenthood, and to promote and protect children’s longer-term development and wellbeing (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

6. pharmacology and prescribing processes that underpin the administration, optimisation and management of medicines, to ensure individualised, safe care for women and childbearing people and to achieve readiness to undertake a prescribing qualification following registration (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

7. The nature of personalised, holistic and relationship-based care, where women and childbearing people’s needs are centred and their experiences, preferences and concerns are listened to, validated, acknowledged, normalised and addressed. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

8. Different methods of enquiry, including established techniques, to locate and extract relevant data, to construct themes and concepts and to explain and defend rationales for care, to include in complex and unpredictable circumstances. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

9. Principles of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology applied to childbearing and neonatal contexts and the theories, paradigms, concepts and principles that underpin safe and effective midwifery care (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

1. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

2. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

3. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

4. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

5. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

6. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

7. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e- learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

8. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements

9. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study ; Clinical placements.
1. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; Portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

2. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

3. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

4. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

5. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

6. Written assignments (case study,); Oral, practical and open book examinations; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

7. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

8. Written assignments (essays, case studies, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA); Apprentice engagement assessment

9. Written assignments (case studies); Oral, practical and open book examination examinations; Digital resource; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. Consistent and competent demonstration of the proficiencies, values, health and character required of practising midwives by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2019) and the Code (NMC 2018) (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

2. The ability to manage competing demands and enact clinical care grounded in effective communication, partnership working and informed consent, to ensure women and childbearing people are in control of their care. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

3. A kind and respectful approach to care which enables women and childbearing people to feel safe to disclose previous experiences and trauma, current concerns and mental health and wellbeing challenges, so that adequate support can be put into place. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

4. A critical reflective and reflexive attitude to develop effective relationships, to identify and address professional development and learning needs, to foster resilience and adaptability and to adopt professional self-regulation behaviours to support future revalidation and safe, effective practice. (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

5. Personal initiative, creative and strategic thinking, effective leadership and strengths-based approaches to identify and understand challenges and to find solutions, whilst acting as a role model and advocate to assist others to develop their knowledge and practice (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

6. A values-based, ethical approach to care of women and childbearing people which is inclusive, non-discriminatory, non-judgemental and without assumptions based on personal experience, unconscious bias or cultural and religious sensitivities to reduce inequalities and optimise outcomes (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

7. Numeracy, literacy, digital and technological skills, applied accurately, systematically and creatively, according to need, to support safe and effective midwifery practice (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

8. The ability to identify and define complex needs and the graduate skills to interpret and apply research and evidence from a range of sources to promote physiological processes whilst anticipating, preventing and responding to complications, in order to meet additional care needs of women, childbearing people and newborn infants (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

9. Skills to undertake accurate clinical assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care, to include employing systematic appraisal of normal and altered health signs and symptoms, and clinical reasoning. in order to make safe, holistic decisions (Applicable to the following qualifications: BSc (Hons))

1. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

2. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

3. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

4. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

5. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

6. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

7. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

8. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, SCRIPT and e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

9. Enquiry-based learning, group work, group tutorials, seminars, lectures, digital/ virtual learning, skills and simulation, e-learning packages, directed and independent study; Clinical placements

1. Practice Assessment (MORA)

2. Written assignments (case studies); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

3. Written assignments (essay, case studies); Oral and practical examinations; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

4. Written assignments (essays, case studies and development plans); Patchwork text assessment; Portfolio; Practice Assessment (MORA)

5. Written assignments (service improvement plan, final project); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; Portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

6. Written assignments (essay, case studies); Oral and practical examinations; Digital resource; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

7. Written assignments (all); Oral, practical and open book examinations; Digital resource; Portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

8. Written assignments (essay, case studies); Oral, practical and open book examinations; Digital resource; Portfolio; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)

9. Written assignments (case study); Oral, practical and open book examinations; Patchwork text assessment; Practice Assessment (MORA)