Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2023/24 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.A. Drama and Theatre Arts with Semester Abroad Full-time

Year: 1
2023/24 Session

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Studio Practice 10 33528 20 Semester 1
LC Theatre & Performance Practice 10 33532 20 Semester 2
LC Engaging Performance 1 10 37841 10 Semester 1
LC Engaging Performance 2 10 37842 10 Semester 2
LC Landmarks in Theatre and Performance 10 33521 20 Semester 1
LC Performance: Theory, Practice and Critique 09 24094 20 Semester 2

Students will take 20 credits from the following modules. Students will be allocated the semester that they take each module (10 credits in Semester 1, 10 credits in Semester 2).

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Allocation 09 40179 10 Semester 2

Students will take 20 credits from the following modules. Students will be allocated the semester that they take each module (10 credits in Semester 1, 10 credits in Semester 2).

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Allocation 09 28286 10 Semester 1

Students will take 20 credits from the following modules. Students will be allocated the semester that they take each module (10 credits in Semester 1, 10 credits in Semester 2).

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Allocation 10 Semester 1
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Allocation 09 35417 10 Semester 2
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Arts 09 33885 10 Semester 1
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Arts 09 34835 10 Semester 2