Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

M.Sci. Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science (With Leadership) Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Leading Others: From Principles to Practice 03 38255 20 Semester 2
LM Theory and Practice of Leadership 03 38270 20 Semester 1

Students must select only ONE of the following modules

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Professional Dissertation 03 39172 60 Full Term
Research Project 04 28608 60 Full Term

Students must select one of the following options:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LM Research Methodology in Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation 11 27450 20 Semester 1
Interdisciplinary Research and Impact 03 36399 20 Semester 2
LM Innovation in Professional Development 11 31222 20 Semester 1
LM Player and participant development 11 30044 20 Full Term
Research Skills for Team Science 03 36401 20 Semester 1