Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 26/09/2014
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Health Sciences
Department Applied Health Sciences
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title Intercalated BMedSc Health Care Ethics and Law Full-time
Programme Code 6320
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 1 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme
  • To provide students with a systematic understanding of contemporary issues in health care ethics and law.
  • To enable students to evaluate opposing arguments, to formulate and consider the best arguments for different views and to identify the weakest elements of the most persuasive argument (i.e. critical analysis skills)
  • To enable students to develop precision of thought and expression in the analysis of complex problems within health care
  • To enable students to identify how their own personal moral values effect their approaches to decision making
  • To enable students to identify new themes and emerging issues in contemporary health care
  • To provide students with an integrated approach that combines the disciplines of medicine, law and philosophy.
  • To provide a learning environment that supports originality in more able students
  • To enable students to develop an appropriate range of research methodologies for their chosen research project.
  • To enable and encourage sufficient independent learning in ethics and law for continuing professional and personal development
  • To develop in students the confidence and ability to identify and challenge unprofessional behaviour in clinical practice, and be able to provide practical solutions
  • To encourage students to identify and develop a range of transferable skills.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A broad range of contemporary issues in health care ethics and law
Central ethical theories, principles and arguments relevant to contemporary health care ethics
Core health care law including central legal principles, statutes and case law
The inter-relationships between ethics, law and health care practice
Relevant texts and authors important in the field of health care ethics
Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, practical’s
Written assignment, oral presentation
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
An ability to identify some underlying ethical theories and principles in various debates in health care ethics
An ability to identify underlying legal principles in various debates in health care ethics and apply the relevant statutes and case law
An ability to evaluate opposing arguments, formulate and consider the best arguments for different views and be able to identify the weakest elements in the most persuasive view
An ability to identify and evaluate emerging themes and issues in health care ethics and Law
An ability to translate theoretical knowledge of health care ethics into clinical practice
Precision of thought and expression, clarity and rigour in assessment of arguments, ability to formulate own argument in a logical and coherent manner and recognise the strengths and weakness of generalisation
An ability to use and understand the common terminology in health care ethics and law
An ability to keep an open mind, see both sides of an argument and recognise the influence of their own personality and views on their approach to ethical decision-making
An ability to produce a sustained and substantial line of thought in the form of a dissertation
An ability to develop an appropriate research methodology within the context of modern bioethical research
Lectures, group seminars/tutorials, practical’s
Written assignment