Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM Leadership Development
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Birmingham Business School
Module Code 07 37332
Module Lead Joanne Murphy
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description This module is an opportunity to examine different approaches pertaining to leadership development. It examines key academic research and encourages students to make well-informed conclusions about the contribution that leadership development makes to organisations, HR practices and employee relations.

The module explores how knowledge of leadership has evolved, and the sorts of HR and responsible business practices that are associated with modern leadership development from a CIPD and academic perspective.

It looks at how leaders motivate employees, investigates how followership has evolved over the years and where it stands currently and considers the types of leadership that works well within team settings. The module helps students to develop their knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues, such as: (a) multicultural leadership in national and international organisational contexts; (b) newer leadership styles and approaches for 21st century organisations, and; (c) critical approaches to evaluating organisational leadership, culture, power and politics in a social media age.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically analyse the concepts associated with leadership development and HR/CIPD practices, and their application in different social, ethical, environmental and multicultural contexts.
  • Compare a range of leadership styles, approaches and behaviours used by leaders in different organisational and international contexts.
  • Assess what are the implications of academic theories of leadership and its evolution of ideas within the HRM discipline for CIPD informed practices.
  • Critically evaluate current approaches to leadership, particularly how culture, power and politics are leveraged in modern organisations and their implications for the CIPD community.
  • Critically reflect on their personal leadership style, explaining if and how they may want to change it in the future.
Assessment 37332-01 : 3,500 Word Portfolio : Coursework (80%)
37332-02 : Group Presentation : Coursework (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment
3500 word individual portfolio consisting of 3,000 word report and 500 word personal reflection on leadership style (80%).

Group presentation (20%).

Reassessment by failed component

Reassessment (group work): A critical analysis of the group work (1000 words) (20%)

Reassessment for individual portfolio: 3500 word individual portfolio consisting of 3,000 word report and 500 word personal reflection on leadership style (80%).
Reading List