Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.A. Modern Languages and Music Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

The University Regulations permit students registered to Joint degrees to vary their credit weighting in their second and final year. A minimum of 40 credits and a maximum of 80 credits must be taken in each discipline in both years (subject to a total number of 120 credits in each year). Students who undertake less than 160 credits in one of their disciplines will graduate with a major/minor degree. To proceed from Stage IIb (or from Stage II for the 3-year programme) to Stage III a student must have a minimum of 100 credits, to include the relevant core language module(s).

Students must take a minimum of 40 credits in Music and 40 credits in a modern foreign language. 1: 40 CR JH students take all compulsory core language modules in their relevant language as described below


Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH French Core VI - Language and Contexts 09 33706 10 Semester 1
LH French Core VII - Language and Contexts 09 33709 10 Semester 2


Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH German Core VI - Language and Contexts 09 33710 10 Semester 1
LH German Core VII - Language and Contexts 09 33711 10 Semester 2


Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Russian Core VI - Language and Contexts 09 33730 10 Semester 1
LH Russian Core VII - Language and Contexts 09 33738 10 Semester 2


Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Spanish Core VI - Language and Contexts 09 33743 10 Semester 1
LH Spanish Core VII - Language and Contexts 09 33746 10 Semester 2

Independent Study 2: 20 CR All students must take 40 credits of independent study in either Music or Modern Languages selected from the modules below. 2: 20 CR Students may take two 20 credit Independent Study modules in Music OR one 40 credit Special Subject module in Music 2: 20 CR OR 2: 20 CR Students can take the 40 credit Extended Independent Study Module in Modern Languages 2: 20 CR OR 2: 20 CR Students can take one 20 credit Independent Study module in Music plus one full-year 20 credit Independent Study module in Modern Languages

Module Title Code Credits Semester
Final Year Independent Study Module in Modern Languages 09 25584 20 Full Term
LH Final Year Extended Independent Study Module in Modern Languages 09 36148 40 Full Term
LH Joint Honours Link Dissertation 09 28531 40 Full Term
LH Musicology Dissertation (Independent Study) 10 22642 20 Full Term
LH Paper Composition (Independent Study) 10 22643 20 Full Term
LH Special Subject Musicology 10 23477 40 Full Term
LH Special Subject Paper Composition 10 23479 40 Full Term
LH Special Subject Solo Performance 10 23480 40 Full Term
LH Special Subject Studio Composition 10 23478 40 Full Term
LH Studio Composition (Independent Study) 10 22644 20 Full Term

Optional Modules 3: LIST Students should aim for an even balance of credits between semesters. They may not take more than 20 credits of performance-based modules in Music. 3: LIST Students taking 40 credits of Modern Languages and 80 credits in Music 3: LIST Modern Languages [French, German, Russian, Spanish]: Students choose ONE 20-credit option in Semester 1. You must also take the compulsory Core VI module in Semester 1 and the compulsory Core VII module in Semester 2 3: LIST Music: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2 plus the 40-credit Special Study module. 3: LIST OR 3: LIST Modern Languages [French, German, Russian, Spanish]: Students choose ONE 20-credit option in Semester 1. You must also take the compulsory Core VI module in Semester 1 and the compulsory Core VII module in Semester 2 3: LIST Music: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2 plus two 20-credit Independent Study modules. 3: LIST Students taking 60 credits of Modern Languages and 60 credits in Music 3: LIST Modern Languages [French, German, Russian, Spanish]: Students must take the 40 credit Extended Independent Study Module in Modern Languages PLUS the compulsory Core VI module in Semester 1 and the compulsory Core VII module in Semester 2 3: LIST Music: Students choose TWO 20-credit Options in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2 3: LIST OR 3: LIST Modern Languages [French, German, Russian, Spanish]: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1. You must also take the 20-credit year-long Independent Study module PLUS the compulsory Core VI module in Semester 1 and the compulsory Core VII module in Semester 2 3: LIST Music: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2. You must also take one 20-credit year-long Independent Study module. 3: LIST Students taking 80 credits of Modern Languages and 40 credits in Music 3: LIST Modern Languages [French, German, Russian, Spanish]: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2. You must also take the 40-credit Extended Independent Study Module in Modern Languages PLUS the compulsory Core VI module in Semester 1 and the compulsory Core VII module in Semester 2 3: LIST Music: Students choose ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 1 and ONE 20-credit Option in Semester 2. 3: LIST It may also be possible to take one 10+10 year-long module in Music if there is space. Please note that this may imbalance your credits per semester to 70/50 or 50/70. 3: LIST Students choose additional Level H modules provided annually by the department. The following is an indicative list from Music:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Conducting I 10 31913 10 Semester 1
LH Conducting II 10 31915 10 Semester 2
LH Orchestration I 10 31919 10 Semester 1
LH Orchestration II 10 31921 10 Semester 2
LH Studio Composition I 10 32382 10 Semester 1
LH Studio Composition II 10 32384 10 Semester 2
Anglican Church Music 1830-1960 09 20852 20 Semester 1
Dramatic Italian Vocal Music: Monteverdi & His Contemporaries 10 28315 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Advanced Performance Skills 09 34895 20 Semester 2
LH An Introduction to Music Therapy 10 28317 20 Semester 2
LH Arts Management in Practice 09 26092 20 Semester 2
LH Baroque Analysis 09 34898 20 Semester 2
LH Beethoven’s Late Style 10 31901 20 Semester 1
LH Black Music in Britain 09 37022 20 Semester 1
LH Brahms 10 17953 20 Full Term
LH British Music Renaissance 1880 - 1914 09 21890 20 Semester 2
LH Classical Composition 10 30764 20 Semester 2
LH Composing for Voice 09 38734 20 Semester 1
LH Eighteenth Century Counterpoint 10 19889 20 Semester 1
LH Electronic Music Studies 10 29010 20 Semester 1
LH Experimental Musics 09 37029 20 Semester 1
LH Film Music Techniques and History 09 30260 20 Semester 1
LH Film Music Techniques and History (Sem 2) 09 34409 20 Semester 2
LH From Glinka to Glazunov 10 17935 20 Semester 2
LH Gustav Mahler: The Philosophy of Music 09 30834 20 Semester 1
LH Introduction to Jazz Styles: 1920 to 1980 10 27205 20 Semester 1
LH Landscape, Counterpoint and Morality: The British Symphony, 1880–1960 10 28180 20 Semester 1
LH Local Musicking in Asia 10 30114 20 Semester 2
LH Minimalism 10 30107 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Music Cognition 10 31917 20 Semester 1
LH Music Education 09 31052 20 Semester 2
LH Music Festivals 10 29056 20 Semester 2
LH Music Scholarship and Bibliography 09 34905 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Music and Emotion 10 30766 20 Semester 2
LH Music and Gender 09 37031 20 Semester 2
LH Music and Globalisation 10 28581 20 Semester 1
LH Music in Britain 1870–1914 09 37043 20  
LH Music in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich 10 23585 20 Semester 1
LH Music, Nations and Nationalism 1789 - 1945 10 26801 20 Full Term
LH Music, Protest and Social Activism 10 30113 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Notation and Editorial Practice 09 29153 20 Semester 1
LH Postsocialist Music and Ethnography 10 31925 20  
LH Professional Skills 09 36876 20 Semester 1
LH Ralph Vaughan Williams and his World 10 31927 20 Semester 2
LH Sound Recording and Sound Design 10 31899 20 Semester 1
LH Sound Studies 09 38731 20 Semester 2
LH Sounding Image 10 28347 20 Semester 1
LH Stravinsky 09 25133 20 Semester 2
LH Studies in Performance Practice 10 27209 20 Semester 2
LH The Blues 09 24206 20 Semester 1
LH The Broadway Musical from Show Boat to Sondheim 10 29015 20 Semester 1
LH The Broadway Musical from Show Boat to Sondheim (Sem 2) 10 34404 20 Semester 2
LH The Perception of Sound and Music 10 30108 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH The Romantic Piano: Chopin and his Legacy 10 28177 20 Semester 1
LH The Sixties 09 24205 20 Semester 1
LH The Symphony: Prestige and Politics 10 37045 20 Semester 1
LH The Wagner Brand 10 37047 20 Semester 2
LH Tonality: An Introduction 09 22594 20 Semester 1
LH Vienna: Study of a Musical City 10 37659 20 Semester 1
The Singers’ Survival Guide: the effects of commercial opera on singing culture in the Later Baroque Period 09 25274 20 Semester 2

In addition to the core language modules, students follow additional Level H modules up to the relevant credit value for their respective programme, to a combined total of 120 credits. Depending on the number of credits students opt to take in each subject, optional modules choices may be restricted (please refer to the module choice information). Availability of particular modules varies from year to year and is subject to timetabling constraints. 4: OPTIONS Optional modules offered by the Department of Modern Languages: The following is an indicative list

French Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Interpreting A 09 34937 10 Semester 1
LH Interpreting B 09 34938 10 Semester 2
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe I (French) 09 31456 10 Semester 1
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe II (French) 09 31457 10 Semester 2
LH Adapting Nineteenth-Century France 09 26876 20 Semester 2
LH Breaking New Ground: Innovative French Writing and Visual Culture 09 34930 20 Semester 1
LH Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures in the Francophone Worlds 09 34933 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Discourses, Disciplines and Dissidence: The Construction of Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century France 09 24745 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Ethics, Politics, Race and Sexuality in Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema 09 37026 20 Semester 2
LH Franco-African Relations from de Gaulle to Macron (1944 to the present) 09 35133 20 Semester 2
LH Francophone Caribbean Literature and Film 09 37656 20 Semester 1
LH From Princesses to Poisoners: Gender, Identity and Society in Seventeenth-century French texts 09 34926 20 Semester 2
LH The Algerian War 09 21093 20 Semester 2

German Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Epic and Romance 09 30649 20 Semester 2
LH Seeing Differently: German-Language Cinema since 1960 09 35142 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Sex, Seduction and Submission: Gender in German Literature from 1900 to Today 09 26799 20 Semester 1
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe I (German) 09 32303 10 Semester 1
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe II (German) 09 32304 10 Semester 2
LH War in Peace: Writing the First World War in Germany, 1918-1939 09 30781 20 Semester 2

Spanish Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Gender and Sexuality in the Hispanic World 09 29791 20 Semester 2
LH Imagining the Truth: Latin American Culture in a Post-truth World 09 34900 20 Semester 1
LH Performing Gender/Translating Performance 09 34942 20  
LH Spanish Exile Culture 09 30745 20 Semester 1
LH The Digital Past 09 29767 20 Semester 2
LH The Marginal Other in the Hispanic World 09 34941 20 Semester 2
LH The Spanish Caribbean: History and Literature 09 35141 20 Semester 1 or 2
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe I (Spanish) 09 32307 10 Semester 1
LH Translation in Theory and Practice in Europe II (Spanish) 09 32308 10 Semester 2
LH Uniformity and diversity in the Iberian-Romance speaking world 09 32380 20 Semester 1

Departmental Optional Modules:[available to all students]:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Back to the Future – Hidden Histories and Utopian Possibilities, 1800-present 09 34928 20 Semester 2
LH Contemporary representations of the body: literature, theory and art 09 30770 20 Semester 2
LH Echoes of Colonialism and Imperialism Across Cultures 09 34935 20 Semester 1
LH Ethics, Politics, Race and Sexuality in Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema 09 37026 20 Semester 2
LH From Text to Tech: Digital Approaches to Languages and Cultures 09 30754 20 Semester 2
LH Language, Culture and Communication: Digging into the text 08 25949 20 Semester 2

Departmental Optional Modules:[available to all students]:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH The Romance languages: structure, variation and change 09 34943 20 Semester 1
LH Thinking Otherwise: Decolonial Approaches to Contemporary Thought and Culture 09 34910 20 Semester 2

Russian Optional Modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Audio-Visual Translation Project: Russian to English 09 35144 20 Semester 2
LH Border Crossings: Word & Image in Twentieth- and Twenty-first-century Russian Culture 09 34929 20 Semester 2
LH Business Russian 09 37847 20 Semester 1