Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 03/08/2022
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Medical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title M.B.Ch.B. (standard entry) Clinical Full-time
Programme Code 1708
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 5 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The course aims to produce graduates who have the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours to function as junior doctors and the personal and intellectual attributes necessary for life-long professional development. Such graduates will be safe practitioners:

1) Prepared to work in a wide variety of clinical settings as a member of a multi-professional team
2) Aware of and equipped to counter health inequalities through their practice
3) Equal to the challenges of working in a multicultural environment with patients from diverse social backgrounds
4) Aware of the limits of their competence and determined to act within those limits
5) Adept in the use of C&IT (Communication and Information Technology) skills for health care
6) Capable and motivated lifelong learners continually engaged in active professional development
7) Able to acquire and analyse information from published research and databases and able to contribute to medical knowledge through research
8) Understanding of the need to maintain and promote health, as well as to cure or palliate disease and aware of their obligations to the wider community as well as to individuals
9) Expert communicators who are empathic in a manner appropriate to a caring profession
10) Trained to integrate learning from across the range of disciplines which support medical practice with learning from clinical experience.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The principles underpinning effective learning and teaching and the role of information technology
The principles underpinning effective communication and doctor/patient relationships
The scientific disciplines fundamental to the study of medicine and clinical practice
The causes and mechanisms of disease
The principles of therapeutic interventions
The presentation of an agreed range of clinical problems and the investigative, preventative, and therapeutic actions available for dealing with them
The ethical and legal issues relating to the practice of medicine
How the best standards of patient care rely on the optimal organisation and management of health care provision
In years 1 and 2 of the course the main strategies are lectures and interactive small group teaching.

GP based learning involves students in all aspects of practice based education, including reflection.

Hospital based learning forms the bulk of years 3, 4 and 5 involving tutorials seminars and bed-side teaching. This is supplemented by continuing programmes of lectures.

Independent, self-directed learning is expected as an integral part of both theoretical and practice-based learning.
Assessed by a range of objective test and by short answer and essay exams.

Submitted course work, including written/verbal/ poster presentation of individual and group project work.

Quality of involvement in small group working / seminars.

Structured clinical examinations (OSCE)
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Demonstrate the educational skills and attitudes required by the medical practitioner in their roles as learner and teacher
Demonstrate skill in the use of computer and information technology that will support clinical practice and continuing education.
Demonstrate a commitment to the advancement of knowledge in medicine and a level of understanding and skill in research processes that enables analysis and critical interpretation of published research and the design and implementation of small scale research projects.
Demonstrate the attitudes and interpersonal / communication skills required by the medical practitioner in order to maximise the effectiveness of doctor-patient relationships and of professional and inter-professional team working.
Demonstrate an awareness of threats to the health of the doctor presented by clinical practice and effective strategies for risk reduction.
Demonstrate proficiency and sensitivity in working with patients and relatives to elicit and record an accurate patient history and in undertaking an appropriate physical and/or mental assessment.
The educational processes , particularly case based group work will reinforce learning / research / IT skills;

Communication / interpersonal skills taught through role play and developed through experiential learning in the clinical area.

Practice based learning is an important element throughout the course, involving bed side teaching and supervised practice / feedback to students and facilitated reflection.

Specific clinical procedures are taught in the practice setting and in a range of clinical skills laboratories.

IT training within Trusts and General Practices as part of clinical placements;

Student Project, Evidence-Based Medicine, Health Improvements Evidence Review, Research methods teaching, Conference poster;

Clinical placements throughout all years of the course;

Clinical Procedural Skill training and clinical simulation scenarios;

Clinical placements throughout all years of the course.
Quality of involvement in small group working / seminars

Written / verbal / poster presentation of individual and group project work

Structured clinical examinations

Continuous assessment of professional behaviour / patterns of practice in the clinical area

Competence based assessment of agreed range of clinical procedures in the practice setting or the clinical skills laboratory.

Attending at least 80 per cent of all registered sessions and at least 80 per cent of each clinical placement is required for progression. All assessed work must be submitted within the required timescales.

National Prescribing Skills assessment

Project reports, Conference poster presentation

Structured clinical examinations

Clinical Skills Passport

Structured clinical examinations