Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved
College College Arts and Law
School Phil, Theology and Religion
Department Theology and Religion
Partner College and School School of Psychology
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. Religion with Psychology Full-time
Programme Code 977G
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme This information is to be supplied
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. A range of themes, debates and methods within theology/ religious studies and psychology, and, where appropriate, from related subjects such as other humanities or social sciences disciplines, and evaluate a range of associated critical scholarship
2. How to apply insights, themes and debates from theology/religious studies and psychology appropriately to broader social and disciplinary contexts, such as the physical, medical and biological sciences
3. A range of research paradigms, research methods and measurement techniques, including statistics and probability, and be aware of their limitations.
1. Theology and Religion
Tutorials, lectures, class discussion in seminars and lectures, independent study, placement (optional)

Tutorials, lectures, private directed study embedded in all parts of the course, workshops, research methods classes in statistics and practicals, experimental project lectures and private directed study at level 3

2. Tutorials, lectures, class discussion in seminars and lectures, independent study, placement (optional)

3. Research methods classes in statistics and practicals, experimental project (optional), tutorials, lectures, class discussion in seminars and lectures
1. Theology and Religion
Examinations, essays, coursework for certain modules including oral presentations, slide and poster presentations, research proposals, media reports, class tests

1. Psychology
Essays, examinations, coursework at level 3, embedded in most forms of assessment, class tests, practical reports, experimental project, written report and oral presentation, examination (open and closed book) and course work including, slide and poster presentation preparation, research proposal, media report, class tests, essay.

2. Examinations, essays, coursework for certain modules including oral presentations, slide and poster presentations, research proposals, media reports, class tests

3. Examinations, essays, coursework for certain modules including practical reports, experimental project, oral presentation, slide and poster presentation preparation, research proposal, media report, class tests
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. Critical and evaluative/analytical skills: recognition that statements should be tested, that evidence and arguments are subject to assessment, and that the interpreter's role demands critical evaluation.
2. The ability to employ a variety of methods of study in analysing material, to think independently, identify tasks, set goals and solve problems, and to demonstrate competence in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods.
3. Communication and delivery: the capacity to construct a clear and accurate account of a subject, marshal arguments in a mature way and disseminate findings and engage in debate and dialogue with respect for the opposite case or different viewpoint.
4. Year Abroad onlyThe ability to study relevant topics at an international institution and appreciate the difference between study in the UK and overseas.
5. The ability to plan and carry out an extended piece of independent research that demonstrates the ability to develop a coherent and appropriate research question and either accumulate, organize, synthesise and critically analyse a range of primary and secondary sources OR conduct empirical research, including formulating testable hypotheses, choosing appropriate methodologies, planning and conducting a study efficiently, discussing findings in terms of previous research, and evaluating limitations of methodologies and analyses employed
1. Lectures, small group work and/or seminars, individual tutorials, feedback on formative and summative work, dissertation preparation (T&R Dissertation Preparation module only), research supervisions and feedback on drafts (dissertation modules only)

2. Training sessions in the use of Canvas, electronic databases and the internet, research methods classes for quantitative and qualitative research and for developing IT skills, guidance on dissertation or research project which requires setting goals, and time management, and may include data management and qualitative or quantitative analysis

3. Small group work and/or seminars, individual tutorials, feedback on formative and summative work, dissertation preparation (T&R Dissertation Preparation module only), research supervisions and feedback on drafts (dissertation modules only), guidance on effective individual and group presentations (certain modules)

4. Year abroad

5. Co4. mpletion of dissertation in T&R or Project in Psychology
1. Research essays, written examinations, practical reports and class tests in research methods modules, dissertation/research project, individual or group presentations for certain modules 2. Research essays, written examinations, practical reports and class tests in research methods modules, dissertation/research project, certain modules which have substantial defined private directed study components. The development of skills to work independently are rewarded in most aspects of assessment and are not specifically assessed 3. Research essays, written examinations, dissertation/research project, individual or group presentations for certain modules, posters or blogs for certain modules focused on public-facing communication skills (including visual-based communication) 4. Assessed as required by host institution 5. Assessment of dissertation in T&R or Project in Psychology