Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 24/10/2022
College College Arts and Law
School History and Cultures
Department History
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. Ancient and Medieval History Full-time
Programme Code 0828
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The BA Ancient and Medieval History offers students a unique opportunity to acquire an understanding of historical events and processes via a specific study of the ancient and medieval histories of Europe, , and of the wider world. In so doing, the programme develops a range of analytical and organisational skills, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to synthesise and communication information and ideas. These attributes will be developed through three interlocked strands of the curriculum:

The programme aims to::
  • facilitate intellectual development by encouraging independence and critical thinking;
  • provide a foundation for research into and further study of the past;
  • develop an innovative range of subject specific and transferable skills in research, analysis and presentation through the study and understanding of ancient and medieval history in the context of cognate disciplines;
  • instil sensitivity to the range of cultural similarities and differences that is of particular importance and value in ancient, medieval and modern multicultural societies;
  • provide the opportunity to study relevant ancient languages;
  • provide the broadest possible platform of transferable skills for both further study and intellectual training outside the academy.

The programme also attunes students to contemporary challenges within and beyond the discipline – globalisation; sustainability; inequalities – to the importance of thinking critically about heritage, conservation, and the place of the past in public life. As such diversity is the heart of the curriculum. The programme recovers and reintegrates the voices of those previously marginalised by virtue of race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, or excluded by virtue of dominant narratives of the past; it enables and encourages students to explore the histories and cultures of different peoples, societies, and cultures from around the world.

The programme facilitates the development of a wide and diverse range of transferable skills – in research, in analysis, in evaluation and synthesis, in organisation, and in communication – and thus prepares students both for further study and for a wide range of careers within and beyond the academy. These may include teaching (from primary to higher education), museums and galleries, heritage management, tourism, creative economy, and government work.

For year abroad only:
Study abroad will provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the society and culture of a foreign country while gaining experience of a different academic environment and way of teaching. Study abroad also provides an opportunity for students to improve their existing language proficiency (where applicable) as well as enhancing their organisation and communication skills and their employability through a proven ability to succeed in a foreign setting.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A broad body of historical information, with special attention to western Europe and The Mediterranean in the ancient and medieval periods
The range of historical sources available to historians of the ancient and medieval periods – including, but not limited to, textual primary evidence – and an awareness of both their value and their limitations.
The historiographical development of core debates in and beyond ancient and medieval History and an appreciation of the reasons for continued controversies
Conceptual, theoretical and ideological influences on historical events and on their interpretation
The enduring legacies of the past and the relevance of historical knowledge and understanding to the interpretation of contemporary events
The origins, development and current social and academic context of Ancient History as a discipline
Theory and practice of the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of historical data from ancient literary sources
Histories and environments of specific regions and periods through study and personal experience
The historiographical development of core debates in and beyond the discipline, and an appreciation of the reasons for continued controversies
Year Abroad only Demonstrate the ability to study relevant topics at an international institution and appreciate the difference between study in the UK and overseas.
1-5 Attendance at and contributions to lectures, seminars, and tutorials, alongside independent study and engagement with digital resources and exercises.

6-9 Lectures, seminars, small group project work, field work, presentations, independent research (for BA only dissertation or extended essay)

10. Year Abroad (as delivered by the host institution).
1-5: The completion of written formative and summative coursework (i.e. essays, assignments, source analyses, book or article reviews, portfolio assessment, take-home papers, and – for BA only – Dissertations) of varying lengths. Participation in oral presentations of varying length and format, delivered either as an individual or as part of a group.

6-9 Examinations, extended essays, dissertation, seminar presentation, group work, project work, reports

10. Year Abroad Module (assessment as required by host institution).
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to evaluate, analyse, synthesise, and interpret a wide range of primary and secondary historical material, and to demonstrate an appropriate awareness of the historical contexts in which these materials were produced
The ability to understand relevant methods and concepts from historical studies and from other related disciplines – including, but not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, economics, political science, and sociology – and to apply these in conjunction with historical evidence.
The ability to communicate ideas and arguments effectively both in writing – across a range of different forms and styles – and orally, displaying appropriate intellectual flexibility and disciplined imagination.
Research, describe and analyse historical evidence and construct an informed synthesis from it in relation to current knowledge.
Identify problems and questions and critically evaluate solutions and answers in theoretical and practical aspects of research into the ancient world.
Transferable skills relevant to employment, including problem-solving, self-reliance, initiative, adaptability, flexibility, resilience, self-motivation, and competences such as note-taking, the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, ability to use and manipulate digital resources and to present information and ideas effectively using ICT.
Interpret and analyse information of various formats and types, including archaeological data presented as text, figures and graphs
Ability to work as a member of a team in a range of contexts, including the capacity to listen, to respond flexibly to feedback, to understand diverse perspectives, and to negotiate solutions collectively
Ability to summarise, synthesise, analyse and evaluate others’ arguments, and to formulate their own logical and structured arguments, normally both orally and in writing, with appropriate supporting evidence
Independent study skills (self-organisation, initiative and self-direction; time management; autonomous research skills; the ability to collect, organise, synthesise and evaluate information; planning, drafting and editing)
The ability to produce an extended piece of academic writing, drawing on independent study skills acquired on the programme
Year abroad only: To achieve an enhanced cultural awareness through direct interactions with society and institutions in another country. To develop a range of marketable skills including problem solving, communication, patience and perseverance, determination, self-motivation, analytical and study skills through direct interactions with society and institutions in another country.
1-3 & 6-9 Attendance at and contributions to lectures, seminars, and tutorials, alongside independent study and engagement with digital resources and exercises.

4-9 Lectures, seminars, independent study and research: essays at levels 1 and 2, dissertation at level 3. Oral presentations: assessed individually at level 3 (Special Subject).

10-11 Engagement in independent Dissertation research.

12. Year Abroad (as delivered by Host Institution)
1-2. Examinations, extended essays, seminar presentation, group work, project work, (for BA only) dissertation

1-3 & 6-9. The completion of written formative and summative coursework (i.e. essays, assignments, source analyses, book or article reviews, portfolio assessment, take-home papers) of varying lengths.

4-9. Examinations, extended essays, seminar presentation, group work, project work, (for BA only) dissertation. Oral presentations: assessed individually at level 3 (Special Subject).

10-11 Dissertation

12. Year Abroad Module (assessment as required by host institution).