Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 07/03/2023
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Health Sciences
Department Pharmacy
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title MPharm Full-time
Programme Code 9875
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme To train high quality patient-oriented pharmacy graduates who will have an integrated scientific understanding of medicines and clinical knowledge, enabling them to optimise the safe and effective use of medicines at a patient and population level.
To produce confident professionals who have the ability to communicate the results of their clinical and professional decision making to the healthcare team, patients and the public.
To produce graduates and registrants with a commitment to life-long learning and development, innovation in practice and the skills to create, evaluate and implement new evidence and science to work with patients and the public to improve outcomes and enhance their care.
To produce a cohort of pharmacy graduates and registrants who will provide clinical leadership within all branches of the profession of pharmacy and can contribute to patient care upon registration with the ability to assess patients and prescribe independently.
To provide an integrated knowledge base, progressing throughout the modules, allowing students to demonstrate their application of knowledge and appropriate level of mastery of competencies.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) The science of pharmacy and its application to the design, development, and delivery of drugs.
2) The anatomy and physiology of the human body in health to a level that will inform diagnostic procedures, therapeutic monitoring and health promotion.
3) Human pathology, the physiological response to challenge and implications for diagnosis and therapeutic management.
4) Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics together with pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics and the capacity to apply this to decisions on therapeutic choice, monitoring and optimisation.
5) Evidence based medicine and epidemiology to a level that will support rational and effective decision making for prescribing and medicines optimisation.
6) Heathcare systems and leadership and management, and clinical governance, to a level that will facilitate the safe provision of pharmaceutical services.
7) Law, regulation, policy and guidance as they apply to the life and work of the professional pharmacist, including independent prescribing.
8) Aspects of social pharmacy that will enable effective and proactive health promotion and support for people and shared decision-making in relation to therapeutic choice and medicines adherence.
1) Lectures, workshops, small group teaching sessions, including some problem based learning with online reference virtual ePracticals and live practicals together with independent directed learning.
2) 'Tailored' prosection sessions with online supporting material, lectures, small group teaching, practical sessions, computer assisted learning. Clinical skills teaching with simulated patients
3) Lectures, practical sessions, small group teaching with integrated problems requiring independent preparation. Interactive lecture sessions using live poll technology. eLearning supportive material including online quizzes, video material. Placement visits. Clinical skills teaching with simulated patients
4) Lectures, practical sessions, small group teaching. Pharmacokinetics Workshop. eLearning supportive material including online quizzes, moderated discussion board. Option module allowing opportunity for and self directed enquiry based learning. Placement visits.
5) Lectures, practical sessions, small group teaching with integrated problems requiring independent preparation. eLearning supportive material including online quizzes. Placement visits.
6) Lectures, practical sessions, small group teaching. eLearning supportive material including online quizzes. Placement visits.
7) Small group teaching. Applied Pharmacy Practice practicals. Clinical Skills Unit Tutorials. Lectures. Online eLearning resources. Placement visits.
8) Placement visits, lectures. Small group teaching.
1) Multiple choice questions (MCQs), short answer questions (SAQs). Coursework: written outcomes from Integrated Problems. Laboratory practical logs. Problem solving exercises.
2) Mid term and summer examination using a combination of MCQ, and SAQ. Course work: Practical write up. Essay/webfolio on linked research at UoB. Group presentation linked to HDT modules.OSCEs
3) Examination with a combination of MCQ and SAQs. Coursework: Reflective task for portfolio to be discussed with personal tutor. Lab Practical report. Essay.
4) Examinations with a combination of MCQ and SAQs. In year three students will be asked to apply knowledge to an open book, semi - 'seen' scenario examination question. Competency-based assessments (written)Coursework: Pharmacokinetics workshop. Harm/benefit drug evaluation. Group presentation. OSCEs.
5) Examination using a combination of MCQs and SAQs. Coursework: Ranging through the years in terms of complexity: Year 1:Evidence-based medicine (EBM) appraisal, Year 2: Gastrointestinal/ Endocrine EBM report, Year 3: Critical Appraisal. Year 4: Formulary
6) Examination through a combination of MCQ and SAQ. Coursework: Harm/benefit drug evaluation. Root Cause Analysis
7) Examination using a combination of MCQs and SAQs Competency-based assessments (written) Coursework: Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE)
8) Examination Public Health, MCQs, SAQs. Coursework: Ethics Presentation, OSCEs.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) The professional conduct and behaviour expected of a prospective professional pharmacist.
2) Skills in the evaluation, synthesis and application of information mastery skills that will support clinical assessment, problem solving and clinical decision making.
3) Verbal and written communication skills, including accurate record keeping, and the ability to adapt communication for different audiences and needs.
4) Skills in the retrieval and critical appraisal of information and in reflective practice that will support life-long learning and development.
5) Research skills, including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of clinical and scientific data and the drawing of justified conclusions.
6) Pharmacy service provision and pharmaceutical numeracy to ensure the safe provision of pharmaceutical services.
7) Leadership skills and understanding how effective team work can foster person-centred care
1) Placement visits and Professional Behaviour Assessments. Reflective ePortfolio. Online support material. Lectures, workshops.
2) Lectures, small group teaching. Applied pharmacy practice practicals. Integrated problems. IPL simulations. Placement visits . Clinical skills teaching with simulated patients.
3) Applied Pharmacy Practice practicals. IPL simulations. Placement visits . Online support material. Clinical, and communication skills unit teaching
4) Lectures, small group teaching. Online support with interactive exercises together with ongoing learning tasks linked through Applied Pharmacy Practice Modules and placement experience. Moderated eDiscussion groups
5) Lectures. eLearning. Small Group Teaching. Research project.
6) Applied Pharmacy Practice practicals and extemporaneous preparation practicals. Workshops and formative online problems. Directed independent learning.
7) Lectures and seminar series
1) Competency-based assessments (written) Coursework: OSCEs Reflective ePortfolio and observed practice. Students will be expected to maintain professional standards during practice practicals and in extemporaneous preparation classes.
2) Applied ‘semi-seen’ clinical examination. Competency-based assessments (written) Coursework: Placement observations and reflective ePortfolio Presentations and assignments in EBM Formulary development OSCEs
3) Competency-based assessments (written) Coursework: Patient Education Exercise (written) Poster presentation. Therapeutic drug reviews Patient information Peer teaching presentations. Evidence based medicine reports. Written coursework in Science of Medicine and Chemistry for Pharmacists modules. OSCEs
4) Reflective ePortfolio. Professional development planning PDP in ePortfolio Critical appraisal reports in evidence based medicine.
5) Coursework: Research proposal Search strategy production. Research project dissertation.
6) OSCE: Clinical, and communication skills Competency-based assessments (written): prescribing, medicines optimisation Numeracy examinations
7) Written critique of a leadership style