Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 15/01/2024
College College Arts and Law
School History and Cultures
Department History
Partner College and School Computer Science
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. History with Year in Computer Science Full-time
Programme Code 323A
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme
  • A solid foundation for a career or further study in computing or related area.
  • A deep understanding of the key concepts, principles, and theories of computer science.
  • A strong and in-depth knowledgebase in the theoretical underpinnings of contemporary developments in computer science.
  • Develop practical skills necessary to solve real-world problems using computational approaches.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A1 Demonstrate an in-depth appreciation of the key concepts, principles and theories underlying computer science; as well as demonstrate an appreciation of some of the more advanced topics and the approaches, skills and techniques required to undertake independent research in this discipline.
A2 Understand advances of theories, practices and lifecycles for systematically engineering software systems at scale, covering requirements, architectures, testing and their agile and quality management.
B1 Apply the advanced problem-solving skills required to produce computational solutions for information-handing problems and modern software systems.
B2 Demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of recent advances in computing for specifying, designing and constructing computer-based systems for scale, using appropriate tools, and to document all stages of this process.
B3 Demonstrate an understanding of timely advances and challenges of professional and ethical issues for the computing profession, as well as the ability to engage in continuing professional development.
C1 Undertake, with limited supervision and direction, independent research at masters level in a key area of computer science or software engineering at scale and to engage in team projects mimicking industrial and agile settings.
C2 Apply algorithmic principles and computational skills for designing and implementing complex software systems with attention to computational complexity.
C3 Demonstrate the necessary mastery of mathematical principles required to analyse and evaluate computational and software solutions.
C4 Appreciate and apply modern project management and planning skills to address real-world problems that are characterised by agility and scale.
1. Lectures, tutorials, exercise classes, practical work, independent study
2. Lectures, tutorials, exercise classes, practical work, independent study
1. Examinations, coursework
2. Examinations, coursework, reports
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1) The ability to apply the knowledge and understanding noted above to the analysis of a given information handling problem.
2) The ability to specify, design and construct simple computer-based systems, using appropriate tools, and to document all stages of this process.
3) The ability to evaluate computer based systems in terms of general quality attributes and possible trade-offs presented within a given information handling problem.
4) Enhanced awareness of and ability to use general IT facilities, including basic information-retrieval skills.
5) 'Numeracy' in both understanding and presenting cases involving quantitative or similar formal, symbolic dimensions.
6) Management of learning and development, including time management, organizational skills, and the ability to pursue independently further development of their IT education.

1. Examinations, coursework
2. Examinations, coursework, reports
1. Examinations, coursework, reports
2. Coursework, reports, examinations, presentations
3. Coursework, reports, examinations
4. Coursework, reports, presentations
5. Reports, presentations, coursework
6. Coursework, reports, presentations
7. Coursework, reports, presentations, examinations