Course Details in 2021/22 Session

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Module Title Techniques for Fuel Cell Characterisation
SchoolChemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Module Code 03 26219
Module Lead Dr NV Rees
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites Introduction to Electrochemistry - (04 26223) LM Fuel Cell Technologies - (04 37607) - (04 37591) LM Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels (H2HF) - (04 37590)
Co-requisites LM Principles of Hydrogen Safety - (04 28864)
LM Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Laboratories (FCHLAB) - (04 37592)
Restrictions None
Description The module aims to develop an understanding of how the different measurement techniques can be applied for characterisation of various components of the PEMFC and SOFC especially in terms of materials used and evaluating them for use in fuel cells.It focuses on the application of various techniques that the students would already be aware of through the existing UG modules especially the measurement techniques module.

The course is sub-divided into two sections:
1) PEMFC characterisation
2) SOFC characterisatoin.

Material as well as surface characterisation of SOFC and PEMFC components using existing techniques, previously learned concepts (XRD, TGS, SEM, TEM, IR, NMR, AFM, XPS) to study composition and surface characteristics of various components (catalysts, supports, MEA, GDL, BBP) of fuel cells.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Inspect and appraise the performance of fuel cells in terms of stability, power output, longevity.
  • Combine already known electrochemical techniques (like cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry electrochemically active catalyst surface area) with material characterisations to develop an understanding and be able to discuss the of degradation of various FC components and gain understanding of importance of life cycle studies and testing.
  • Compare, differentiate and analyse area specific resistance, degradation mechanisms, gas delivery systems and interconnecting materials in SOFC using different techniques.
  • Compare, differentiate and analyse GDL, BBP as well as catalyst and support materials for PEMFCs using different material characterisation techniques.
  • Evaluate different material properties and requirements (morphology, conductivity, water retention etc) for electrocatalysts, catalyst supports, conducting membranes and other PEMFC components by combining electrochemical and material characterisation.
Assessment 26219-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: 100% coursework, 4,000 word assignment

Reassessment: Resubmission of coursework
Other None
Reading List