Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.Sc. Chemistry with Industrial Experience Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

CertHE, DipHE and BSc: these interim qualifications are possible, subject to satisfying the criteria set out in the Undergraduate Regulations.
Note that the placement year (Stage III) is pass/fail only and the overall degree mark is calculated on the basis of Stages II and IV only, in the usual BSc weighting, i.e. 25:75 Stage II:Stage IV.

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH Inorganic Chemistry IIIa 03 33983 10 Semester 1
LH Inorganic Chemistry IIIb 03 33987 10 Semester 2
LH Organic Chemistry IIIa 03 33067 10 Semester 1
LH Organic Chemistry IIIb 03 33068 10 Semester 2
LH Physical Chemistry IIIa 03 33669 10 Semester 1
LH Physical Chemistry IIIb 03 33681 10 Semester 2
LH Year 3 Chemistry Options A 03 33090 10 Semester 1
LH Year 3 Chemistry Options B 03 33091 10 Semester 2

Students must choose an additional 40 credits, which may be either the 3P1 Research Projects module or BOTH of the Year 3 Research Methodology modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LH 3P1 Research Projects 03 00611 40 Full Term
LH Year 3 Research Methodology I 03 40679 20 Semester 1
LH Year 3 Research Methodology II 03 40680 20 Semester 2