Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 25/03/2022
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Health Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.Nurs. Mental Health Nursing Full-time
Programme Code 698D
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme A graduate awarded Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) will have developed a systematic understanding of a diverse and complex body of health and nursing knowledge, some of it at the current boundaries of the discipline. Graduates will be professional citizens in nursing, contributing positively to the nursing community with developed personal and professional attributes for confident and courageous leadership and supervision of compassionate nursing practice. Research intensive enquiry based learning and teaching will support the development of accurate nursing assessment, safe clinical decision making and evidence based delivery of nursing practice Students are facilitated to draw upon critical reflection, evaluation methodology and analytical skills to support personal ongoing lifelong learning and continuous improvements in nursing care.

The Bachelor of Nursing programmes aims to enable students to:
  • Provide compassionate and person centred nursing care, professional ethics values and accountability in line with NMC code (NMC 2018);
  • Build a conceptual knowledge base to support nursing practice, evaluating theoretical and evidence based resources some of which are at the forefront of study;
  • Develop critical reflection in order to appreciate uncertainty and limits of knowledge in nursing, nurturing the personal skills for ongoing emotional intelligence and lifelong study;
  • Lead the nursing contribution to policy and nursing practice in health promotion and person centred healthcare also being an effective nursing citizen, ambassador and supervisor of care;
  • Deploy accurately the methodologies used for nursing enquiry and improvement and critical evaluation of evidence for professional nursing care;
  • Use clinical assessment, risk management and systematic decision making to direct safe care delivery;
  • Develop the complex communication and clinical nursing skills required to deliver contemporary nursing care;
  • Successfully achieve all standards and proficiencies required by NMC (2018) in their chosen field of practice.
The programme is, thus, designed to prepare proficient, caring and accountable graduate nurses who contribute safely and effectively to the complexities of contemporary health care and whose practice is informed by an extensive knowledge base of relevant theory and research. The programme further fosters an awareness of inter-professionalism and multi-agency working in health care delivery through a strategy of shared learning and places a strong emphasis on holism, public health and social inclusion in nursing practice.

Unique features of the programme include:
  • Common first year to maximise students learning and experience of holistic nursing and different healthcare environments;
  • Enquiry based, and research intensive learning and teaching strategy develops autonomy and confidence;
  • Systematic clinical skills and simulation teaching culminating in clinical assessment and simple diagnostic skill development and knowledge to support postgraduate prescribing preparation;
  • Strong partnership agreements leading to effective placements in world renowned Birmingham NHS Trusts;
  • Situated in a multi-professional medical and dental college with planned inter-professional learning opportunities;
  • Support to develop leadership and citizenship beyond the planned programme including opportunities for a career focused elective placement and / or citizenship experience;
  • Opportunity to transfer from the Bachelor of Nursing to the Master of Nursing at the end of year 2 subject to meeting transfer criteria and subject to available places/ placement capacity.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Theories of leadership, risk and uncertainty that support accountability and critical decision making in leading and managing professional nursing care
Complex therapeutic management, working effectively in the multidisciplinary team to communicate, prioritise, supervise, coordinate and delegate safe compassionate and person centred nursing care
Integrated , effective planning and communication to maximise health and independence and to coordinate services around the person across organisations and contexts of care
Clinical governance and methodologies used to continuously evaluate and improve patient care in order to assure safety, organisational learning and quality of care.
Complex pathophysiological and/or psychological changes, altered homeostasis, signs, symptoms and the data drawn from diagnostic methods and techniques in order to make a safe and informed clinical nursing assessment decision within a field of practice
Pharmacology and knowledge of safe prescribing processes to underpin the administration, optimisation and management of medicines within a field of practice and to support postgraduate preparation for prescribing
Legal and ethical framework for nursing demonstrating and enacting consistently self- regulated professional behaviour and understanding of role in supervising and developing others in the nursing and healthcare community of practice
Systematic methodological approaches to evaluating, disseminating the nursing evidence base, some of which is at the forefront of current knowledge , also recognising ambiguity and areas that require further development.
1.Lectures, enquiry-based learning , digital learning, simulation, group work, clinical placements, formative feedback and tutorials, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
2.Lectures, enquiry based learning, simulation, laboratory skills / practical sessions, group work, clinical placements, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and other e-learning packages, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
3.Lectures, enquiry based learning, seminars, and group work, clinical placements, digital learning , verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
4.Lectures, enquiry based learning , group work, clinical placements, blended e-learning, student-directed study, reflective learning;
5.Lectures, simulation, laboratory practical sessions, group work, clinical placements, enquiry-based learning, learning packages, e-learning, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
6.Lectures, enquiry based learning, simulation, laboratory skills / practical sessions, group work, clinical placements, SCRIPT, Safe medicate and other e-learning packages, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
7.Lectures, workshops, simulation, laboratory practical sessions, questioning and observation, approaches, group work, clinical placements, enquiry-based learning, learning packages, e-learning, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
8.Lectures, workshops, student-directed study, supervision , reflective learning.
1.Essays, Group presentations, OSCE, Practice Assessment document;
2.Essays, Examinations, OSCE, Presentations, Practice Assessment Document;
3.Essays, Group presentations, OSCE, Practice Assessment document;
4.Essays ,Reports, OSCE, Presentations, Practice Assessment Document;
5.Examinations, OCSEs, Practice Assessment Document;
6.Examinations, OCSEs, Practice Assessment Document;
7.Essays, Presentations, OSCEs, Practice Assessment Document;
8.Written Report
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Critically reflect on practice and on role as leader, ambassador and role model for nursing and as a supervisor, facilitator of learning and empowerment for others
Deployment and evaluation of strength based strategies, interventions and skills for the protection and promotion of health, health literacy and health improvement
Personal responsibility for professional development and capabilities for self-regulation as a professional registered nurse
Consistently and competently demonstrate the proficiencies, skills, health and character required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) and the Code (NMC 2018) in a field of practice at the point of registration
1.Workshops, simulation, tutorials laboratory group work, elective and clinical placements, enquiry-based learning, student-directed study, reflective learning;
2.Lectures, workshops, simulation, group work, clinical placements, enquiry-based learning, , e-learning, verbal presentations, student-directed study, reflective learning;
3.Workshops, simulation, tutorials laboratory group work, elective and clinical placements, enquiry-based learning, student-directed study, reflective learning;
4.Workshops, simulation, tutorials, clinical placement learning.
1.E-Portfolio – reflective writing, Practice Assessment Document;
2.Group presentations, Peer review, Practice assessment Document;
3.E-Portfolio – reflective writing, Practice Assessment Document;
4.OSCE, Practice Assessment Document, E-portfolio.