Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2024/25 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.Sc. Economics with Spanish Full-time

Year: 2
2024/25 Session

Options are available subject to timetable constraints and must be chosen so that equal credits are taken in each semester:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
08 37827 0  

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LI Spanish Core III - Advanced: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 30219 20 Semester 1
LI Spanish Core IV - Advanced: Hispanic Cultures in Global Contexts 09 30224 10 Semester 2
LI Core V - Student Research Project 09 30157 10 Semester 2
LI Econometrics 08 34484 20 Semester 2
LI Macroeconomics 08 29189 20 Semester 1
LI Microeconomics 08 28536 20 Semester 1

Choose 20 credits of optional modules from the following: A 70/50 credit split in S1/S2 or a 50/70 credit split in S1/S2 is allowed:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LI Contemporary Issues in the UK Economy 07 23274 20 Semester 2
LI Behavioural and Experimental Economics 07 32216 20 Semester 2
LI China and the World Economy 07 32213 20 Semester 2
LI Development Economics 08 29168 20 Semester 2
LI Environmental Economics 08 29179 20 Semester 2
LI Financial Markets and Institutions 07 33188 20 Semester 2
LI Mathematical Methods for Economics 07 33189 20 Semester 2
LI Mathematical Methods for Statistics and Econometrics 07 33191 20 Semester 2