Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 26/09/2014
College College Social Sciences
School School of Soc Pol and Society
Department Social Work & Social Care
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.Phil. Specialist Social Work with Adults Part-time.
Programme Code 7199
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 2 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The intention of this award is to build on the learning which Social Workers have acquired through their qualifying training and post qualifying experience within the specialist field of work with adults. The programme aims to develop the skills and knowledge base of qualified practitioners, so that they are able to provide a high quality, critically analytical evidence-based service to adults presenting with complex needs including abuse and neglect. The programme particularly emphasises skills in critical reflection, evaluation and analysis, the use of theory and confidence in working with persons from diverse backgrounds. Working within multi-disciplinary settings and within a performance management culture are also emphasised within the programme. There is a strong practice element to the programme and workplace based assessment of each candidate’s practice by a suitably qualified workplace supervisor is an integral component of the course. The programme is modular in nature and aims to offer a critical, analytical and research-informed approach to the key areas of contemporary social work practice with adults, managing change and transitions, and enabling the learning of others. Ultimately, we aim to produce practitioners who are “thinking performers” thereby promoting the greater likelihood of achieving optimal outcomes for service users.

Satisfactory completion of 120 credits at H level leads to the BPhil. The UG Affiliate allows candidates to complete individual modules of the full award.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The legal and policy contexts within which post-qualifying social work with adults takes place; the ethical and value base of post-qualifying social work practice with adults; different models of intervention in social care practice with adults
The specific issues involved in assessing a range of particular client groups within the context of social work practice with adults; the principal models of assessment applied within social work practice with adults; the principles and practice of risk assessment in social work practice with adults
Tthe principles of the community care legislation and the provisions of particular areas of legislation; appropriate sections of codes of practice, policies and procedures and other pieces of legislation relevant to social work practice with adults and their provisions
Recent and on-going legal, policy and practice developments in the field of Safeguarding Adults; approaches to understanding and assessing issues of seriousness, vulnerability and risk in relation to safeguarding adults
Models and principles of adult learning; principles of evaluating practice learning; issues of power and oppression in adult learning
Lecture and seminar presentations, supplemented by supervised practice under the guidance of a practice supervisor and by guided reading and other private study. Course participants will also receive opportunities to participate in locally organised workshops and will also receive tutorial support under the guidance of an experienced mentor to augment the knowledge gained.
An analytical case study assessed for demonstration of adherence to Post Qualification standards of social work practice and understanding of its legal, theory, research and policy base. This is supplemented by a report on observation of the candidate's practice completed by a practice assessor.

A critical analysis of a complex assessment the candidate has completed. This will be supplemented by a report on direct observation of practice and feedback from a service user.

An essay critically examining the scope and effectiveness of an aspect of community care legislative and procedural intervention such as adult protection.

An oral presentation followed by submission of a critical analysis of an example of Safeguarding intervention the candidate has completed.

A written analysis of the process of negotiating, planning, delivering and evaluating a development opportunity for an adult learner.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to reflect upon and analyse their own personal practice and that of others (at the appropriate level)
The ability to apply social work skills within the context of social work practice with adults; the ability to apply the principles of Anti-Discriminatory Practice within social work practice with adults (at the appropriate level)
The ability to locate social work practice with adultscommunity care social work practice within the relevant provisions of key parts of community care and broader legislation (at the appropriate level)
The ability to make clear assessment decisions about appropriate service provision within social work practice with adults; the ability to synthesise a wide ranging of information in making decisions in social work practice with adults (at the appropriate level)
The ability to set in place appropriate practical arrangements for a structured learning experience for a fellow professional; the ability to provide deliver a structured learning experience for a fellow professional; the ability to evaluate their own contribution to the learning of another professional (at the appropriate level)
Introductory lecture and seminar presentation supplemented by supervised practice under the guidance of a practice supervisor and by guided reading and other private study.

Course participants undertake supervised practice under the guidance of a practice supervisor to augment the knowledge gained.

Lecture and seminar presentation, supported by video material and supplemented by guided reading and other private study.

Feedback will be provided by experienced training staff during the practical application of skills learnt.
An analytical case study assessed for demonstration of adherence to Post Qualification standards of social work practice and understanding of its legal, theory, research and policy base. This is supplemented by a report on observation of the candidate's practice completed by a practice assessor.

A critical analysis of a complex assessment the candidate has completed. This will be supplemented by a report on direct observation of practice and feedback from a service user.

An essay critically examining the scope and effectiveness of an aspect of community care legislative and procedural intervention such as adult protection.

An oral presentation followed by submission of a critical analysis of an example of Safeguarding intervention the candidate has completed.

A written analysis of the process of negotiating, planning, delivering and evaluating a development opportunity for an adult learner.