Course Details in 2022/23 Session

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Module Title LC Introduction to Transport Phenomena 1
SchoolChemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Module Code 04 33534
Module Lead Dr Phil Robbins
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-18 hours
Seminar-2 hours
Tutorial-10 hours
Guided independent study-70 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The aim of the module is to provide an introduction to transport phenomena (in this part momentum transfer) as well as associated engineering applications.

Fluid Flow:
a) Introduction to fluid flow phenomena in engineering.
b) Hydrostatics: Pressure variation with position in a static fluid, manometers, hydrostatic forces on submerged surfaces, forces on unconstrained bodies, surface tension and capillarity, methods of surface tension measurement.
c) Hydrodynamics: classification of flows in terms of variation of flow parameters in time and space, the concepts of streamline and stream tube, the principles of continuity, energy and momentum, turbulent flow.
d) Applications of principles to engineering problems, including flow measurement (e.g by orifice, Venturi, rotameter). Forces on pipe bends, nozzles and plates.
e) Steady flow problems concerning head loss and pressure drop due to friction in pipe flows (Bernoulli), non-circular ducts, friction factors, Moody diagram and friction losses in fittings.
f) Physical fluid properties, their dimensions and units, SI System, dimensional analysis.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Have knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and methodology necessary to underpin their education in mechanical and related engineering disciplines, to enable appreciation of its scientific and engineering context and to support their understanding of future developments and technologies
  • Have knowledge and understanding of mathematical principles necessary to underpin their education in mechanical and related engineering disciplines and to enable them to apply mathematical methods, tools and notations proficiently in the analysis and solution of engineering problems.
Assessment 33534-01 : Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (80%)
33534-02 : Online Class Test : Class Test (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

S1: In semester assessment: 20%
S2: 3 hr written unseen Exam (80%)
Semester 1: Introduction to Transport Phenomena 33534
Semester 2: Introduction to Transport Phenomena 2 33545

Reassessment: 100% exam (1.5 hrs)
Reading List