Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2024/25 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

DA B.Sc. Computer Science with Digital Technology Partnership Full-time

Year: 3
2024/25 Session

In order to proceed to Year 3 (the industrial year), students must:
- Not have any modules to repeat during the year. If they have resit examinations, they must arrange for time off to take these.
- Students will complete their Industrial Placement at PwC. The placement must involve a component of skills training (approximately 40%) and technical project work (approximately 60%). The skills training can include formal taught and/or self study courses and apprenticeship style learning "on the job". The training and project work must be of a technical nature relevant to the degree programme. The project work will most typically involve programming but other types of project work are acceptable.

A student who fails the Industrial Studies module will be permitted to transfer to our regular BSc. Computer Science degree.

The following must be taken

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
Computer Science Industrial Placement 11 34046 120 Full Term