Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved
College College Medicine and Health
School School of Infec, Inflam, Immun
Department Biomedical Sciences
Partner College and School Liberal Arts & Nat Sci (DNU)
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title M.Sci. Biomedical Science with Year in Civic Leadership Full-time
Programme Code 561I
Delivery Location Dubai
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 5 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme The first two years of the course builds a detailed understanding of how the human body functions and what can go wrong in disease. The content extends from the single cell to the whole body. The students begin to learn about major pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, arthritis and diabetes, and the genetic basis of inherited disorders.

All students take a common set of key subjects which will provide them with the core knowledge to understand the importance of each of the major disciplines of medical science. This forms a strong foundation for transitioning onto the MSci. Throughout the course students develop core research skills, such as key technical skills, problem solving ability, data analysis and interpretations, helping them develop an understanding of the key ethical and social issues surrounding medical science.In the second year there will be an opportunity to specialise in a scientific area of their choice, linked to the College major research themes. This student selected component will allow an in-depth exploration of the area under the guidance of one of our subject experts. The themes will include cancer, neuroscience, infection and immunity, pharmacology and cardiovascular science. This will provide a platform for further specialisation in the third year. Within this module students can also select a business and enterprise project which develops their entrepreneurial skills and develops their communication skills with external business partners. At the end of the second or third year there is the possibility of taking a year out to gain work experience, by securing a placement in, for example, the pharmaceutical industry. Students may also opt to undertake a summer research project within the College.

Further options at the end of the second or third year are to enrol for the Year in Computer Science or the Year in Civic Leadership.

Year in Computer Science:

Computer Science is now a major factor in many businesses, professions, and academic disciplines, as well as in everyday life. From practical ICT to profound principles of computation, a solid grounding in Computer Science can offer improved career potential. The Year in Computer Science offers students from non-computing disciplines the chance to gain in-depth knowledge of computing and enhance their work-based skills through the study of Computer Science

Year in Civic Leadership:

The Year in Civic Leadership provides a transdisciplinary opportunity to develop a variety of professional skills across civic engagement, entrepreneurship, and leadership through a project-based placement.

The year is comprised of three modules that put into practice theoretical knowledge and skills developed during prior academic studies, provide an opportunity to critically reflect on this activity while co-creating a community project with a non-profit organisation or social enterprise. The series of modules deepen appreciation of civic engagement, encourage students to think about how they can make change and enrich the communities in which we live. They will be introduced to the principles of civic engagement & leadership and become active citizens as they design a collaborative project to explore different policy contexts of a specific social issue.

The first two years will be delivered at both UoB Campus Edgbaston and UoB Campus Dubai or University. The third and fourth years will be delivered at UoB Edgbaston. Year in Computer Science and Year in Civic Leadership options take place after year two or year three on the Edgbaston campus.

In the third year students specialise by selecting a single taught options from over 10 specialist modules in a wide range of subject areas, including different aspects of neuroscience, cancer, virology, cardiovascular science, pharmacology, endocrinology, stem cell biology, ageing and immunology. Students learn abo
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A wide range of subject areas in the medical sciences.

One (or more) of the major disciplines allied to medicine at an advanced level.

The integrated nature of medical sciences and the experimental processes and analytical methods which underpin them.

The value of medical sciences in an academic, industrial, clinical and ethical context.

The ability to apply the knowledge and understanding noted above to the analysis of a given information handling problem. (Year in Computer Science Only)

The ability to specify, design and construct simple computer-based systems, using appropriate tools, and to document all stages of this process. (Year in Computer Science Only)

The ability to evaluate computer-based systems in terms of general quality attributes and possible trade-offs presented within a given information handling problem. (Year in Computer Science Only)

Enhanced awareness of and ability to use general IT facilities, including basic information-retrieval skills. (Year in Computer Science Only)

'Numeracy' in both understanding and presenting cases involving quantitative or similar formal, symbolic dimensions. (Year in Computer Science Only)

Management of learning and development, including time management, organizational skills, and the ability to pursue independently further development of their IT education. (Year in Computer Science Only)

The value of civic engagement, and an appreciation of how they can make change and enrich the communities in which they live. (Year in Civic Leadership Only)

Through a combination of integrated lectures; small group teaching; problem-based and enquiry-based learning, seminars, laboratory experiments and coursework at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 mini research in teams and a final year research project.

Teaching is undertaken by non-clinical clinical and academic staff many of whom are research active.

Students are encouraged to read widely to broaden and consolidate their understanding and knowledge.
Unseen written and MCQ examinations.

Course work such as essays, oral presentations, data interpretation exercises and selected laboratory practical reports including a research project dissertation and scientific presentation at level MGroup work and team projects are undertaken at in years 1-3.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
Participate in the planning, conduct and reporting of a research project (Reasoning Skills)

Apply problem solving skills to situations relating to biomedical sciences showing creativity and the ability to come up with innovative solutions (Reasoning Skills)

Analyse and interpret scientific data from a variety of sources and be able to apply appropriate statistical methods (Reasoning Skills)

Apply critical and informed judgement to scientific issues which have an ethical dimension (Reasoning Skills)

Understand the legislative framework and development of clinical research (Reasoning Skills)

Undertake laboratory work safely and competently (Practical Skills)

Undertake analytical methods and be familiar with their underlying principles (Practical Skills)

Gather data in an accurate and reproducible manner (Practical Skills)

Organise and present information in appropriate written form and as oral/poster presentation (Transferrable Skills)

Use IT and communication technologies effectively (Transferrable Skills)

Reasoning Skills

  • These skills are encouraged throughout the programme.
  • Problem solving skills are developed in SGTs in most modules including from numerical problems, case studies and experimental design.
  • Creative skills are developed in PAD 3SP and Global Challenge.
  • Analysis and interpretation of scientific data is developed through practical work and data evaluation and requires statistical approaches to be embedded.
  • A research project is carried out at level 4.
  • In addition ethical issues are delivered in the context of problem based learning and within the Translational Research module at level 3.
Practical Skills

These skills are developed through a programme of laboratory practical classes and associated lectures / demonstrations (levels 1 , 2, 3 and 4) and during an extended laboratory research project (level 4)Transferrable Skills

Tuition is given in IT and communication technologies and on locating and extracting information from a variety of electronic and printed sources. Guidelines are provided on coursework such as essays and oral presentations and reinforced through feedback on assignments. These activities are further reinforced by independent learning exercises.
Reasoning Skills

  • Throughout the course elements of practical work are summatively and formatively assessed.
  • Problem solving, data interpretation and scientific writing is assessed by small group teaching sessions and submitted written work.
  • At advanced level students should acquire their GCLP certificate and a dissertation is produced for assessment of the final year research project.
Practical Skills

  • Experimental results obtained in selected laboratory classes are assessed.
  • Translational Research module (Level 3) is assessed through attainment of GCLP certificate. The 4th year project dissertation is assessed.
Transferrable Skills

Through coursework, essays, and presentations. IT skills are assessed by a graded series of tasks undertaken during a taught session, and as part of other coursework submissions.