Date Specification Approved |
15/02/2023 |
College |
College Life and Env Sci |
School |
School of Geog Earth & Env Sci |
Department |
Geography |
Partner College and School |
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration |
Qualification and Programme Title |
B.Sc. Geography Full-time |
Programme Code |
0176 |
Delivery Location |
Campus |
Language of Study |
English |
Length of Programme |
3 Year(s) |
Accreditations |
Royal Geographical Society (IBG) |
Aims of the Programme |
1) To enable students critically to study physical, human and environmental geographies and their interactions. 2) To develop geographical understanding through a variety of teaching and learning methods, including fieldwork and other forms of experiential learning, which are carefully integrated into a coherent programme of studies (G2.2). 3) To develop progressively, independent learning and study skills. 4) To develop intellectual and practical skills in the collection, interpretation, analysis and presentation of data using appropriate computer and information technologies (G2.3). 5) To embed skills of working in small groups and oral presentation into training and assessment of courses. 6) To enhance the learning experience by structuring the programme so that by the final year students are able to study modules that are informed by the current specialised geographical research of academic staff (S4.1). 7) To provide students with transferable, personal and academic skills that will not only qualify them for employment but will also enable them to engage in life-long learning and contribute to the wider community ( B4.1, S4.3)).
Programme Outcomes |
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: |
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: |
and assessed using the following methods: |
The varied philosophical and theoretical bases of geographical enquiry (G2.3; G3.10).
The principles, methods and techniques used in the analysis and interpretation of geographical information (human, physical and environmental) (G3.12).
The nature of change in physical and biological environments and human society and the interactions between them (G3.2; G3.3; G3.4; G3.5).
The perspectives of cultural, social, political and economic geographies to an understanding of the contemporary world (G3.3; G3.4; G3.8).
The ways in which the distinctiveness of place, at different spatial scales, is contested, constituted and constantly remade (G2.2; G3.2; G3.3; G3.6).
The processes underpinning physical and biological systems and environmental change at a range of temporal and spatial scales (G3.2; G3.3;G3.4; G3.5; G3.7; G3.9).
1: Lectures; tutorials; programme of directed reading (stage 2);
2: All our learning and teaching methods are involved in helping students to achieve one or more of the programme outcomes. Numbers in parentheses below are used to highlight particular methods considered to be important in achieving the outcomes specified.
Lectures (2-6); seminars (2-6; tutorials (2-6); practical classes (2, 6); fieldwork (2-6); projects (3-6).
1: 4000-word critical review of literature (stage 2)
2: Each method of assessment is aimed at evaluating the level to which students have achieved one or more of the programme outcomes. Numbers in parentheses below are used to highlight methods considered to be particularly important in assessing outcomes specified.
Unseen examinations (2-6); class tests (2-6); course essays (2-6); project work (2-6); field note books (2); group presentations (2-4); poster presentations (2-6).
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: |
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: |
and assessed using the following methods: |
Have a conceptual understanding of the ways in which geographers and others conceive the world and be able to contest and challenge the provisional nature of that geographical knowledge and understanding (G3.2; G3.10; G3.11).
Analyse, evaluate and synthesise published geographical information (G2.3; G2.4; G3.12; G4.4; G4.7; G4.8).
Communicate geographical concepts, ideas and results to a professional standard and through reasoned argument by written, oral and visual means (G4.7).
Exploit the potential of computers in information gathering, communication, and data processing, analysis and presentation (G2.4; G4.8).
Have an understanding of appropriate practical skills for data collection in geographical research projects (G3.12; G4.7; G5.5).
Work effectively and efficiently, both individually and as a member of a group (G4.7; G4.8; G5.7)).
Plan, design and conduct a piece of independent geographical research and produce a final report by:
a) evaluating the issues involved in the design and execution of a field-based or other type of research activity (including its ethics and a risk assessment).
b) collecting, recording, processing and integrating both quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources using appropriate techniques
c) Presenting the findings of the research project to a professional standard (including illustrative material, citation and bibliography) (G3.12;G3.13; G4.7; G5.4 G5.5; G4.8).
1 - 3: Lectures, seminars, tutorial classes and directed independent study. They are intended to help students achieve one or more of the programme outcomes.
4: Computing classes (stage 1 and 2)
5: Four-day residential field course (stage 1); lectures, workshops, laboratory classes and six-day residential field course (stage 2)
6: Lectures and self-directed field-work in groups (stage 1); field work in groups (stage 1and 2); independent learning module (stage 3)
7: Preparatory lectures; tutorials; workshops; independent reading (stage 2); field work; library studies; independent research; interviews; surveys; discussion with tutor (stages 2 and 3)
1 - 3: Each method of assessment is aimed at evaluating the level to which students have achieved one or more of the programme outcomes. Assessment methods are chosen to develop and evaluate the skills appropriate to the learning outcomes of the programme. Where appropriate assessments also provide opportunities to give feedback to students to help them refine their skills. Assessment includes unseen examinations; class tests; essays; oral and poster presentations.
4: Project report (stage 1); statistics project (stage 1)
5: Oral presentations; field notebook (stage 1); project reports; field notebook (stage 2)
6: Group project report (stage 1); oral presentations in groups and field notebooks (stages 1 and 2); 4000 word essay and seminar presentation (stage 3)
7: 10,000-word dissertation (stage 3)