Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
B.A. Drama and Theatre Arts Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
3 Year(s)
This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme
The programme provides a specialism in various areas of Drama and Theatre Arts, and aims to give students the opportunity to learn about different aspects of drama and theatre; theatre history, performance theory, dramatic analysis, technical roles, actor training. The programme operates through a number of different teaching methods; small group teaching, production work, practical seminars, large group lectures.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
A working understanding of the ways in which pratical and theoretical work in drama and theatre arts necessarily inform one another
A knowledge of drama in all its aspects.
A working knowledge of the language of theatre practice
An understanding and appreciation of the theatrical output of different periods and places and an understanding of various critical approaches to theatre
A basic working knowledge of theatre crafts (sound, lighting, stage management, costume)
A range of transferable skills which will enable them to work effectively both individually and in groups
Lectures, small group teaching, practical and theoretical workshops, performance projects (student and staff led)
Written assessments, oral assessments (essays, oral presentations), practical performance assessments, written examinations
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to produce written assignments informed by research
The ability to complete staff and student led projects (both practically and theoretically informed) both on an individual and a group basis
The ability to understand the complexities of dramatic texts and theatre histories from the perspective of both a scholar and a performer
Lectures, small group teaching, practical and theoretical workshops, performance projects (student and staff led)
Written assessments, oral assessments (essays, oral presentations), practical performance assessments, written examinations