Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2026/27 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.A. Social Policy Full-time

Year: 4
2026/27 Session

Options are available subject to timetable constraints and must be chosen so that equal credits are taken in each semester.

The following must be taken:

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Crime and Society CENG 20545 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Social Divisions CENG 17133 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Social Policy CENG 20546 20 Semester 1
LC Philosophies of Welfare 20 Semester 1
Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Social Problems and Social Policy: Social Science in Action Part 2 08 33999 10 Semester 2
LC Social Problems and Social Policy: Social Science in Action Part I 08 33998 10 Semester 1
LC Social Research I (Part 1) A 08 33994 10 Semester 1
Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Social Research I (Part 2) A 08 33995 10 Semester 2

Students undertaking LC Introduction to Social Policy in Semester 2 will be registered on the following module:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Introduction to Social Policy CENG 31632 20 Semester 2