Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
M.Eng. Aerospace Engineering with Industrial Experience Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
5 Year(s)
Aims of the Programme
The programme will provide broad coverage of aeronautical and space engineering during the first two years before specialising in either materials or engineering for the final year(s). The coverage of aspects of space systems continues through years 2 to 4 for both streams of the course to ensure that students have full coverage of all aspects of aerospace engineering rather than concentrating on aeronautical or space engineering.
The broad range of aerospace engineering subjects covered will be related to historical aerospace examples to enable students to analyse a wide range of aerospace systems and applications. The aim is for the student to use these concepts as a foundation to analyse aerospace systems and phenomena fully in order to identify reasons and suggest improvements. These skills will be developed and assessed through various case studies, particularly the third year group project and fourth year forensic study and individual project modules. These case study exercises will involve industrial partners and so will allow more non-technical aspects such as business ethics and environmental aspects to be covered, as well as providing aspects for company visits to provide the students with a well rounded appreciation of the aerospace industry.
The degree programme will make use of the existing and developing links between the Schools and the UK / global aerospace industry, which will ensure full topicality of case studies, forensic, group and individual projects. As with the current Nuclear Engineering group projects, the close involvement of industry in helping to formulate these projects is expected. Short term and long term internments with partner companies and international universities providing aerospace engineering courses will be offered.
Graduates would be expected to progress to work areas specific to the degree programme subject areas in the traditional fields of civilian and military aeroengine and airframe design, manufacture and operation along with the materials and sub-systems involved in them. The increased coverage of avionics and space systems would equip the graduates for employment in the emerging fields of satellites, space mission and UAVs where remote control and communication is required along with the advanced structures and materials needed for these vehicles and their operating environments. The Schools already have strong research links in the fields of propulsion and aerospace materials which would an increasingly number of research (masters and doctorates) degrees in these fields, especially as links with airframe and satellite companies and research institutes are strengthened. The graduates could pursue careers and research in non-aerospace fields where expertise in advanced materials, manufacturing, structures, aggressive environments and remote communication and control are important.
NB) For students on the MEng - When students opt to take the Year Abroad as Year 4 of the programme (after completing Year 3 LH) the marks profile for stage 3 will be based on performance in Years 3 and 5 of the programme.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The properties of materials suitable for aerospace applications; their control through composition and processing; their selection for use in aerospace; and their likely failure mechanisms and consequences (BEng/MEng)
The quantitative design of aerospace structures including mechanical and aerodynamic aspects associated with aerospace vehicles and their propulsion (BEng/MEng)
The theory and practice relating to communications and control systems for manned and unmanned aerospace systems (BEng/MEng)
The criteria governing design, manufacture and operation of, communication with and control of vehicles external to the Earth’s atmosphere (BEng/MEng)
The nature and structure of national / international aerospace industries and various technical and non-technical factors affecting them, e.g. safety, ethical, environmental and legislative (BEng/MEng)
Lectures; laboratory demonstrations; laboratory practical classes; tutorials; case studies; and group and individual projects
Examinations; group and individual reports; oral presentations; posters; and vivas
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to analyse complex datasets and relationships in a quantitative manner (BEng/MEng)
The ability to analyse materials; structures; and communication and control systems in order to identify faults and suggest improvements (BEng/MEng)
The ability to clearly and concisely present their findings in a variety of methods (BEng/MEng)
The ability to simulate complex situations using appropriate software (BEng/MEng)
Work effectively as part of a group of mixed specialists (BEng/MEng)
Carry out an individual extended piece of work including recommending analysing results (including in the light of previous reports) and recommending future study / work (MEng only)
Analyse literature reports and summarise findings (BEng/MEng)
Adjust to a new culture (year abroad version only)
Improve the use of a foreign language in a non-English speaking country (year abroad version only)
Take personal responsibility for acting in a professional and ethical manner (year abroad version only)
Convey and present complex advanced technical information to an experienced technical audience using written reports and orally (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Work as part of a team to achieve a set of deliverables as specified by the industrial company (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Collect and analyse data effectively, and discuss the results in their context (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Gain an understanding of the importance of international engineering/manufacturing standards and specifications (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Develop an understanding of the financial and commercial activities in an engineering enterprise and the importance of meeting the requirements of a customer (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Gain substantial working experience in an established company (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Broaden their horizons, regarding their career perspectives and the options that are available after graduation (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Been provided with the necessary time to set up their own career network, which will subsequently help them in their professional development (applies to Industrial Experience programme only)
Lectures; laboratory demonstrations; laboratory practical classes; tutorials; case studies; group and individual projects; Year Abroad module (Year abroad version only)
Examinations; group and individual reports; oral presentations; posters; and vivas.
Year Abroad module - The student is expected to undertake assessment in accordance with normal practice at the host institution.(Year abroad version only)
5000 word report on the placement (80%) 30 minute presentation, with 15 minutes Q&A (20%) (industrial experience version only)