Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
B.Eng. Chemical Engineering with Industrial Study Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
4 Year(s)
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Aims of the Programme
"The aim of this programme is to produce Chemical and Formulation Engineers who are equipped to work effectively in a professional capacity, for example in industrial design, or research and development. Graduates should be able to contribute specialist skills to such activities. They should also have developed the technical, intellectual and transferable skills needed to underpin their education and continuing professional development. Graduates will have a systematic knowledge and understanding of Chemical and Formulation Engineering, including aspects of biochemical engineering and other important specialisms. Some of their knowledge and understanding will be at the forefront of the discipline. Typical graduates will be able to make sound judgements in the absence of complete information, with an awareness of the context in which they work. They will be self-motivating, and will have the qualities and transferable skills necessary to take responsibility for their continuing personal and professional development. They will only need to complete a matching section to have the education to qualify as a chartered engineer. The high level of numeracy of graduates, and their skills in problem solving, team working, and communication and information technology, equip them for successful careers outside as well as within the process and allied industries. The honours degree is considerably enhanced when the student is able to augment academic study period through working in an industrial environment, therefore the integration of an industrial placement of one year?s duration in the programme aims at the provision of opportunities to see how theoretical and academic work completed within the university environment relates to the practical application in the workplace; enabling students to develop confidence over a significant period of work in skills of organisation, time management and record keeping; and, permitting students to take on gradually more responsibility for the work that they do, so that by the end of the year?s placement they are capable to complete a simple element of work from beginning to end with minimal supervision."
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The scientific principles underpinning Chemical and Formulation Engineering
Mathematical and computational methods and their use for modelling, analysis and design in Engineering
The essential concepts, principles, theories and current practice of Chemical and Formulation Engineering, and their limitations
Essential elements of the design process and design methodologies
Important concepts from other Engineering disciplines and subjects outside engineering
The characteristics and uses of commonly occurring engineering materials and functional products
Management and business practices
Ethical and social issues related to engineering, and of professional responsibilities
The role of engineers within an engineering company and the interactions that normally take place with other disciplines
1: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, Laboratories; 2: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, computer-based workshops; 3: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning; 4: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, computer-based workshops, group design work, interdependent design work; 5: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning; 6: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, Laboratories; 7: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, group design work, interdependent design work; 8: Lectures, Tutorials, Problem Classes, Group Work, web-based and conventional guided learning, group design work, interdependent design work; 9: Work in an industrial environment under the supervision of an approved Industrial Studies Tutor. Maintenance of a logbook and completion of training records and/or other records required by the procedures of a company. Completion of a piece or pieces of work required by the company in the normal operation of its business such that the student develops responsibility for his/her actions.
1: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 2: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports, computer-based exercises; 3: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 4: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports, oral presentations, computer-based exercises; 5: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 6: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 7: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 8: Unseen and open-book examinations, Problem solving exercises, written reports; 9: Training records, Written report, Oral Presentation, Viva voce.
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
To understand the methods used for controlling day-to-day work and records within an engineering company
To apply technical knowledge in an industrial context at an appropriate level for the student?s qualifications
To understand the basic financial aspects for the work of the company
To demonstrate the standard of professional presentation skills required in modern industry
Select and apply scientific principles, routine mathematical methods and computer based engineering tools in solving familiar Chemical Engineering problems
Model and analyse routine engineering systems, processes and products
Search for information for solving a problem, and present it for discussion
Consider given information and extract that which is pertinent to a routine problem
Design a system, component or process using routine design techniques, and be able to modify an existing design
Apply engineering techniques to design and problem solving taking account of typical technical risks, with some grasp of commercial risk
Take personal responsibility for acting in a professional and ethical manner
Using computer based engineering tools to gather data, solve standard problems and display the result
Using laboratory instrumentation appropriately
Conducting prescribed laboratory experiments, estimate errors of measurements, and draw limited conclusions
Undertaking routine practical or simulation tests of a design solution and comment
Working safely and promoting safe practice
Making acceptable presentations of technical and business information in a variety of ways
Managing time and resources effectively
Working as part of a team
Learning under guidance
Developing a personal plan of work to meet a deadline and identify the main external constraints
Sorting, manipulating and presenting data through a range of standard forms
Ability to keep suitably reference records of correspondence
Ability to write professional reports suitable for presenting to clients
Ablity to give professional oral presentations under pressure of time
Professional and responsible attitude to work
Ability to reflect on their learning