Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 07/08/2023
College College Life and Env Sci
School School of Bioscience
Department School of Biosciences
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title M.Sci. Biochemistry Full-time
Programme Code 7146
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations Royal Society of Biology (RSB)
Aims of the Programme
  • To stimulate students to acquire a long-term interest in and enthusiasm for biochemistry and scientific scholarship
  • To develop a broad appreciation in UG students of the scope of biochemistry that encompasses the structure, function and regulation of molecular and cellular processes that occur in living organisms
  • To maximise flexibility and opportunities for choice of modules so that undergraduate students develop a detailed understanding of the core concepts of biochemistry from molecules to cells during the initial stages of the programme and also allows for specialisations in areas of research strength and expertise as the students progress through the programme
  • To enable students to move into a range of molecular life science careers, either immediately after graduation or following further specialist training
  • To provide students with the opportunity of experiencing current research, its methodology and significance;
  • To encourage students to progress from independent to independent learners and critical thinkers;
  • To encourage the development of transferable skills (eg. intellectual, numerical, analytical, communication} enabling students to move into diverse contemporary occupations.
  • To provide pastoral support and guidance to enable students to maximise their achievements within their degree programmes
  • To provide opportunity for students to develop creativity and innovation

Additional Programme Aim for the MSci programme:

  • To provide in-depth training in research skills and methodologies in year 4, with an extended opportunity to experience research in an appropriate area of Biochemistry at first hand.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. The fundamental biological principles at the heart of biochemistry
2. One or more specialised areas of biochemistry represented in the School of Biosciences.
3. Techniques of data analysis and interpretation appropriate to the discipline
4. The conceptual framework of biological and biochemical research and the application of experimental procedures
5. Specific for 4-year MScia specialist knowledge reflecting our current understanding of biochemistry in selected areas and the evidence on which it is based
Knowledge will mainly be acquired through lectures and practical classes. (1-4)

Support for and extension of lecture-based learning is provided by workshops and tutorials. (1-4)

Optional modules allow students to follow their own areas of interest. (1-4)

Specialist knowledge reflecting recent developments in research is mainly provided in final year modules.(5)

Students are encouraged to read primary research literature related to the courses that they are following.(5)

Students will attend research seminars and a series of short courses covering core concepts in research methodology and entrepreneurship.(5)

Students will carry out an extended research project.(5)
Online, open-book exams at the ends of Years 1, 2, 3. and 4 (1-5).

Laboratory reports and in-class tests, various forms of coursework including (but not limited to) presentations, written reports and posters (1-5).

Assessed evidence based critical review, grant proposal and oral presentation in Year 3 (1-4).

By a combination of an extended project report, an oral viva and a series of short summaries of seminars (5).

The extended project report will include an in-depth literature search and presentation and analysis of results (5).
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
1. The critical analysis and reflective practice required by all graduates independent of career path preference
2. The capacity to further their education and training through independent study
3. Analytical numerical and problem solving skills which they can apply in a wide range of situations, including using Information Technology to access and analyse data.
4. Transferable communication skills such as written, oral communication & IT skills needed for further study, research or employment
5. Competence in a set of technical skills that underpin laboratory-based research.
6. Outcome specific for MSci
Ability to work effectively in the research environment, showing self-motivation and the ability to work as part of a team
In addition to the skills components embedded in all modules, dedicated skills modules in years 1 and 2 include maths, IT, laboratory skills and understanding scientific literature. Essay writing and presentation skills teaching is delivered through the tutorial system and assessed as part of the skills modules (1-4)

Extended research project in year 4 (5)

Online, open-book exams at the ends of Years 1, 2, 3. and 4 (1-5).
Assessed essays; practical reports (1-4)

oral presentations (1-4)

test in IT skills (1-4)

assessed exercises on experimental design (1-4)

information retrieval and interpretation (1-4)

assessed dissertation and project reports during year 3 (1-4)

end of year exams in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1-4)

Technical skills assessment in laboratory or field setting (5)

Extended research project report and oral presentation (6)