Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
M.Sci. Biochemistry with Professional Placement Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
4 Year(s)
Royal Society of Biology (RSB)
Aims of the Programme
To encourage students to develop to their full potential;
To provide training and learning opportunities which prepare many of the able students for research careers;
To provide courses that enable students of a wider range of ability and motivation to acquire knowledge and transferable skills that equip them for useful employment within and beyond the biosciences;
To provide students with an opportunity to experience research at first hand and to assess their suitability for a scientific research career;
To offer every undergraduate a sound basic training in scientific methods by means of courses that flourish because of cross-fertilisation between teaching and research;
To provide a course structure which allows students to delay their ultimate choice of specialisation as late as possible and to switch effectively to related areas of biological, medical or biotechnological science as interests mature or change.
Additional Programme Aims for the Placement Programmes:
Draw upon theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during their degree and apply them in the work environment.
To allow students to experience the practical application of their subject in the working environment.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
The fundamental chemical and biological principles at the heart of biochemistry Our current understanding of biochemistry and the evidence on which it is based Related disciplines such as genetics, mathematics, microbiology, cell biology and physiology as appropriate to the specialist degree course selected
The relationship between the academic subject and how it is practised in the workplace
Take responsibility for the development of your own learning and develop the skills required to negotiate with those in author
Lectures, laboratory practicals, problem solving classes, computer-based learning, seminars, tutorials, extended project in final year; work placement, usually in a research laboratory or conservation organisation where training and supervision in research methods will be given
In-course assessment by means of essays, laboratory practicals and computer graphics practicals, seminars, problem-based learning and tests. End of year exams in Years 1, 2 and 4
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
Laboratory and reporting skills working independently and in teams Develop skills such as numeracy, literacy, communication and IT skills The critical analysis and self-criticism required by all graduates, including those who will not follow a biochemical career
Report writing and oral reporting
Relating to authority
Time management
Business, Medical and Environmental ethics