Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title
B.Sc. Biological Sciences with Study in Continental Europe Full-time
Programme Code
Delivery Location
Language of Study
Length of Programme
4 Year(s)
This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme
To provide access to BSc Honours level education in Biology for higher quality students of which the majority are traditionally post A-level; To develop a broad appreciation in UG students of the scope of modern biology, encompassing levels of biological organisation from molecules to ecosystems, and major groups of organisms; To maximise flexibility and opportunities for choice of modules and degree programmes so that UG students develop from an initial understanding of a broad core of biological sciences and maintain that breadth of study throughout the programme or move towards increasing specialisation; To provide students with the possibility of experiencing current research, its methodology and significance; To encourage students to progress from dependent to independent learners and critical thinkers; To stimulate students to acquire a long-term interest in, and enthusiasm for, biology and scientific scholarship; To enable students to move into a range of biological careers, either immediately after graduation or following further specialist training; To encourage the development of transferable skills (e.g. intellectual, numerical, analytical, communication) enabling students to move into diverse contemporary occupations; To provide pastoral support and guidance to enable students to maximise their achievements within their degree programme. To provide experience of living abroad while undertaking the appropriate undergraduate courses at a continental University.
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
Many aspects of modern biology from molecules to ecosystems One or more specialised areas of biology The methods of biological research, and how to carry out specified experimental procedures, and how to assess critically the nature of numerical data and their correct interpretation How science training is approached in another European country
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, laboratory practicals, IT-based learning exercises; extended dissertation in final year. Additionally, students will study at a continental University on biology courses at the appropriate level and subject to the normal teaching and learning methods
Essays, laboratory reports and tests, project report and library-based dissertation
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes:
Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods:
and assessed using the following methods:
Enhanced critical and judgmental abilities to meet the demands of life in a technological society The capacity to further their education and training through independent study Transferable communication skills such as written, oral communication and IT skills needed for further study, research or employment Proficiency in another European language Knowledge and confidence from the experience of another culture Independence Improved personal transferable skills Knowledge and improved learning skills from the experience of a continental educational system
Dedicated skills modules in Years 1 and 2 include interactive sessions and learning materials on report writing and oral presentation; assessed team-based practical work; personal and group tutorials; IT-based learning resources. Additionally students will study in a continental University and will partake in mainstream biology courses at the appropriate level
Assessed essays, oral presentations and practical reports; exam in IT skills, assessed exercises on experimental design; information retrieval and interpretation; assessed dissertation