Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Physics Project
SchoolPhysics and Astronomy
Department Physics & Astronomy
Module Code 03 01381
Module Lead Dr. Mark Colclough
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites LC Physics Laboratory 1A - (03 34455) LC Physics Laboratory 1B - (03 34457) LI Physics Laboratory 2 - (03 00943)
Restrictions none
Contact Hours Seminar-3 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-54 hours
Guided independent study-43 hours
Total: 100 hours

Projects are a vital part of developing independent research skills in the physical sciences. A project is normally done by a pair of students, who either submit a project proposal for approval, or choose from an extensive list of staff proposals. Projects usually have a substantial experimental component, and can address any area of physics for which the year 2 laboratory, and the student, are equipped. Students registered for specialised Physics degree programmes will normally
undertake a project relevant to their specialism. 

A project is different from a standard laboratory experiment in that there is no prescribed apparatus or experimental procedure. Students are expected to find out about the theoretical basis of their project, and plan their own investigation, in consultation with staff. Projects typically involve the designing and building of apparatus, acquiring and interpreting data, and refinement of the plan as work proceeds. Students report on their progress  by reports, talks and demonstrations. Some typical project themes include: a laser beam profiler, earthquake protection, measuring G, an analogue of the quantum eraser, a stroboscopic clock, a search for particles in LHC collisions, physical and pseudo- randomness.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Plan a new investigation in a physics laboratory.
  • Conduct an independent investigation, analyse the resulting data, and make appropriate refinements to the plan.
  • Report on the progress and conclusions of an investigation by means of presentations and formal reports
Assessment 01381-01 : Physics Project : Practical (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Written Report (50%) Continuous assessment (40%), oral presentation (10%)
Other none
Reading List