Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title Hydrogeology
SchoolSchool of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Department Earth and Environ Sciences
Module Code 03 11731
Module Lead
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-5 hours
Guided independent study-75 hours
Total: 100 hours

The aim of this module is to provide a fundamental introductory understanding of the principles and practice of hydrogeology. Topics covered are: introduction to groundwater, aquifers and the hydrologic cycle; groundwater flow (Darcy's Law); groundwater recharge; borehole drilling, design and use; regional groundwater flow; natural groundwater discharge; aquifer properties:  transmissivity and storage coefficient; pumped boreholes and pumping test analysis; methods to determine hydraulic properties; introduction to natural groundwater hydrochemistry.

More quantitative aspects of the course will be supported by problem-based practical sessions (formative). Coursework comprises the student producing a short report that aims to produce a hydrogeological conceptualisation of a specific locality - it involves desk-based research and includes descriptive summary text, figures based on geological and hydrogeological information, a brief critique of those sources and some basic calculations that quantify the hydrogeological flow regime.  Methods underpinning coursework execution will be presented throughout the lectures and practical sessions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Understand and quantify the processes governing the occurrence and flow of groundwater in the geological subsurface;
  • Know appropriate field and laboratory methods to determine key hydrogeological parameter values;
  • Apply basic hydrogeological analysis to a real locality;
  • Have acquired a foundational expertise to undertake advanced hydrogeology-related courses.
Assessment 11731-06 : Hydrogeology Overall Mark : Other (DNU) (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions One hour examination (70%) Report comprising 1-page summary; 400-word critique; 1-page of calculations and 2-4 pages of figures (30%)
Other None
Reading List