This module forms part of a major project which is worth 40 credits. This module comprises: A project proposal including plan, literature review and overview of subject area. An 8,000 word dissertation containing an abstract, a list of contents, a literature review, a description of the background to the project, a description of the theory, discussion, conclusions and suggestions for further work.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:
Use the scientific language of TeX;
Access background information via a study of the research literature, internal reports and web-based information;
Write project in good technical English;
Produce figures, diagrams and tables that are clear, legible and informative;
Display an awareness of the background physics and technology which includes the area of work;
Describe clearly the work carried out;
Present the work in a logical and coherent fashion that highlights the main academic threads;
Put work in a broader context of associated literature;
Draw appropriate conclusions from the work and its significance.