Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title Conference Poster Presentation
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 01 19394
Module Lead Dr Alice Turner
Level Honours Level
Credits 10
Semester Full Term
Restrictions MBChB
Contact Hours Project supervision-8 hours
Guided independent study-92 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The conference poster module runs in parallel with all clinical rotations, with students presenting their projects at the end of the year. Students are required to undertake an improvement project, audit or service evaluation, working with a supervisor and in a clinical field chosen relevant to the Year 4 curriculum. The module provides an opportunity to work within a clinical field of particular interest to the student. The choice of field and location is only limited by the availability of supervisors.

An audit assesses the degree to which an aspect of service provision matches up to an agreed set of standards / criteria, normally set by a recognised external body such as NICE, one of the Royal Colleges etc.

Service evaluation equally involves the measurement of service provision against criteria, but these may be set by the team undertaking the evaluation.

Whichever form of project is chosen we encourage students to focus on quality improvement rather than purely audit or evaluation.

Students must work in pairs on their audit / service evaluation and the expected standard of projects / posters is set on that basis. Because the final mark is in part dependent on verbal presentation of the issues and the ability to answer examiner questions, students who work in pairs will be assessed independently for the presentation/defence of the poster and the final mark for the two students may differ.

Students are expected to:
  • Work with the enthusiasm and professionalism that will allow them to complete an audit / service evaluation of sufficient quality to be of value to the unit / Trust.
  • Present the audit and their conclusions and recommendations to Unit staff if so requested.
  • Acknowledge the supervisors’ involvement on the poster
Students are required to register their audit by November and assessments are usually undertaken in April/May. Registration is in the form of an abstract which is a typical requirement of any conference poster. The abstract should give a clear picture of the subject area, its importance, the source and status of criteria to applied. The abstract would normally outline the conclusions and recommendations of the study, but it is recognised that students are unlikely to be able to provide this information at that point in the project’s development. Students are given feedback on the abstract prior to the poster presentation.

Students are required to submit along with their abstract a completed information governance form. The form is designed to ensure all appropriate data protection measures and in place and that the audit is properly supervised. This is a required item for submission and is not mark bearing.

Supervisors will normally have agreed to participate in this SSM because one or more aspects of service provision in their work area could be usefully audited and improved.

Supervisors are expected to:
  • Propose one or more aspects of service provision which could usefully be audited / evaluated /improved in consultation with the student
  • Assist students in gaining the necessary permissions from the Trust R&D department or equivalent body and access to the necessary data from patient records
  • Act as a sounding board, enabling students to refine their ideas for the audit / evaluation process, their conclusions and recommendations and their presentation
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify a clinically relevant topic and to be independent/self-directive in pursuing an in-depth study;
  • Demonstrate the ability to undertake and audit or service evaluation in a hospital or general practice setting including the importance of information governance in the process;
  • Demonstrate competence in identifying, selecting and using appropriate source material;
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and synthesise information from a number of sources;
  • Demonstrate an ability to design and present a poster to academic reviewers in a manner required at a scientific conference;
  • Demonstrate a recognition of the communication potential and limitations of a poster as a means of presenting information.
Assessment 19394-01 : Conference Poster module mark : Presentation (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Abstract 10%
Poster presentation 90%


Students will have a single opportunity to re-sit the poster (which must be performed individually even if the work is conducted in a pair).
Other None
Reading List