Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Drama and Media Writing
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 20339
Module Lead DR. House
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions Optional for BA English with Creative Writing
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The aim of this module is to inspire students to experiment with content, form and technique in dramatic writing for any/all of the following: stage, radio, TV, film; so as to produce original synopses/proposals and script extracts. They will gain practical and theoretical insight into generic aspects of script writing and explore the similarities and differences between writing for traditional and media genres, and between different media in particular. Students will be encouraged to develop a writer's eye of writer's ear by engaging with individual media works within their scheduled and marketed context , and will become acquainted with commissioning requirements and processes.
Learning Outcomes By the end of this module the student should be able to:
  • Understand the main characteristics and conventions of two of the following: stage play, radio play, single or serial TV drama, screenplay; and the place of technology and other personnel (in addition to the script-writer) in their creation
  • Understand the practical implications of genre and scheduling across different media
  • Distinguish between the specific needs of writing for different genres/media, in relation to structure, characterisation and narrative
  • Produce an original synopsis/proposal and extract of one dramatic/media writing genres using the correct script format and sales pitch for their chosen media
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how popular drama reflects the concerns of age
  • Reflect on the reasons for choosing their preferred medium with reference to issues discussed in class, and to the writing process itself
Assessment 20339-02 : Script Extract : Coursework (75%)
20339-05 : Writer's Notes : Coursework (25%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assignment A - Part 1: Script Extract(75%):
Students must create an original extract from one of the following: a piece of dramatic writing for stage, a radio or TV drama, or a film-script; to consist of the opening sequence of approx. 15 mins duration (approx 15 pages), using an appropriate format/layout. Students will be assessed on their successful deployment of necessary ingredients for an opening sequence. The extract must be placed in context with an accompanying short synopsis of the rest of the script (up to 1 A4 side). The synopsis should demonstrate that students understand the genre/media and the audience for their ideas.

Part 2: Writers Notes (25%):
Students should write an accompanying set of analytical notes (1500 words approx), demonstrating a developing understanding of the process of writing drama for stage, radio, TV or screen, with specific reference to their own writing process. They should also show an appreciation of similarities to and differences from writing drama (or telling a story) in other media or genres.
Other None
Reading List