Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2028/29 Session

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Module Title African Popular Culture
SchoolHistory and Cultures
Department African Studies & Anthropology
Module Code 09 20436
Module Lead Dr Juliet Gilbert
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-22 hours
Tutorial-2 hours
Guided independent study-176 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module deals with the creative forms and critical commentaries of ordinary people – as opposed to the social and political elites – in Africa. Popular culture is one of the most dynamic and vital products of the continent; often overlooked by outsiders, it is usually found to be of intense local interest and significance. The module introduces students to a range of popular expressive forms that have appeared over the past century across Africa, such as fiction, theatre, music, film, fashion, and the media. It looks at art forms as part of everyday life, and shows how new popular genres emerge from specific sites and periods of social transformation. The module questions how people articulate their disappointments, nostalgia and aspirations in times of resistance to colonial and postcolonial dominations, media revolution, and intensifying global cultural flows, for instance. And also asks how popular culture can play a didactic role in instilling community values, pushing back against oppressive regimes, or imparting new visions of the world. Throughout the module, students are encouraged to think about the production, reception and circulation of African popular cultural forms.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Recognise the style, content and significance of a range of popular African genres
  • Relate these popular genres to the changing political and historical context
Assessment 20436-01 : 1500 word written assignment - Essay 1 : Coursework (40%)
20436-02 : 2000 word written assignment - Essay 2 : Coursework (60%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1 x 1500 word written assignment (40%)
Reading List