Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Dissertation
Department Political Sci & Intern'tl Stud
Module Code 08 20905
Module Lead DR. Lock-Pullan
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Guided independent study-370 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description The dissertation is your chance to study a topic of particular interest to you. You decide on the topic which should have some relevance to politics or international studies. The aim is to apply the knowledge (theory and techniques) you have acquired over the past two years. It gives you a chance to demonstrate your ability to work on your own, acquire knowledge about a specialised area of study, use your initiative in the collection and presentation of material, undertake a thorough review of the literature, draw appropriate conclusions and present a clear, cogent argument. The dissertation may involve the presentation of new knowledge or the use of primary sources, but this is not an expectation.
Learning Outcomes
  • On successful completion of these linked modules students will be able to demonstrate an ability to:
  • work independently in specialised research in the fields of Social Science (Political Science, International Relations, Political Economy and/or Sociology);
  • use their initiative in collecting and presenting material;
  • undertake a thorough review of the literature in the chosen specialised field;
  • draw appropriate conclusions from assembled data;
  • present a well-structured dissertation employing the appropriate academic conventions.
Assessment 20905-01 : 10,000 Word Dissertation : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Dissertation word length 10,000 words (100%)

Reassessment: None
Other None
Reading List